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Practiscore Website

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Practiscore Website Empty Practiscore Website

Post by Slartybartfast Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:18 pm


Anyone familiar with this website and suite of phone apps? Says it supports Precision Pistol, but precision pistol is absent from results. After signing in, the results pages and other functionality seem to be very well implemented. Seems that they've essentially beaten http://pistolmatches.com to the punch and provided functionality to match directors as well.

The abject failure of CMP and NRA to step in and support an initiative similar to this is pathetic.

Congratulations to the owners of practiscore for being able to step in and get a cut of all registrations and become owners of a good advertising platform.

I get that everyone is trying to make money at some point, making cooperation difficult, but the NRA and CMP should be all over this to make sure the marksmanship and precision crowd is fully invested in this as much as the IPSC crowd seems to be or in a similar independent precision shooting initiative. 

Make the back-end open enough and the initiative could be international. The Canadian SFC-FTC and even the ISSF should be behind a one-stop-for-all to make organising and participation in competition easy and straight forward.

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Practiscore Website Empty Re: Practiscore Website

Post by Aprilian Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:32 pm

it isn't what it looks like, unfortunately.

on the US map, it shows 7 matches in my area, click on the 7 and it zooms in to show 4, click on the 4 zooms in again, then 3 and the final click shows........ no matches.   same when I search by state, none come up.

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Practiscore Website Empty Re: Practiscore Website

Post by Slartybartfast Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:13 pm

I've found that in map applications such as this the error is a difference between the area covered by the compiled count and the actual area that is zoomed to.
Zooming down through to the Manhattan area, goes 7 > 2 > 0, zooming out one click shows two.
Similarly Montana shows 3, zooms in to 2, then shows three if you zoom out one click of the mouse wheel.
If the searches or map are buggy, as I said, the national bodies that are sanctioning events should be putting their money behind a reliable search.
Or at least a database that can be queried. Then pistol matches, practiscore, local clubs, and others can fight for best search and display.
If an individual can come up with something as powerful and widely accepted as Practiscore, what excuse do the national bodies such as the NRA, CMP, SFC, and others have for their antiquated match publishing and non-existent help to match directors to run events and registration?

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Age : 52
Location : Montreal, Québec

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Practiscore Website Empty Re: Practiscore Website

Post by Ghillieman Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:11 pm

At the competitors meeting during Camp Perry last summer I brought up this same thing to the NRA and specifically mentioned practiscore. I was told that the new competitions director was extremely familiar with practiscore and they had plans to impliment a similar online match registration.

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Practiscore Website Empty Re: Practiscore Website

Post by Slartybartfast Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:21 am

Why plan to implement something similar? Contact Practiscore and start paying them for upgrades and service. Or just promote them.

IPSC seems to be heavily invested in Practiscore on an international level.

I've PM'd the person behind PistolMatches.com and asked them why don't they partner with Practiscore to better support precision matches. Then you'd potentially have two websites promoting and supporting precision matches with international exposure leading to further adoption.

Seems there are a few basic database tables that need to be shared, mirrored, and replicated. The front-end and some additional linked information can be site/discipline specific and kept/maintained locally.

It's depressing how everyone's kneejerk reaction is always to go off on their own instead of first trying to see where cooperation can bring mutual benefit.

The NRA, IMO, wouldn't be the best one to implement a system for the sport at large either. They'll probably limit it to NRA sanctioned matches only.

The FQT her in Quebec suffers from that. They have an online registration and payment system. But no one seems to use it except them for the big provincial matches. Because no one wants to live within the association limits for all their matches. And once you're publishing one way for matches, you don`t want to use two. So, the FQT IPSC category is empty. The IPSC Quebec site lists many matches. And some of those use Practiscore.

IMO, the FQT, NRA, ISSF national and regional federations, should all approach or be approached to use the base functionality and develop their systems around a common platform. They can control sanctioning events and limit what's displayed on their site. But more general sites could show all matches and events and link to the specific sites as necessary.

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Practiscore Website Empty Re: Practiscore Website

Post by Slartybartfast Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:38 am

Having discovered Practiscore, it flows into my rants and observations in the PistolMatches thread:

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