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Good Bill Blankenship article

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Good Bill Blankenship article Empty Good Bill Blankenship article

Post by Sa-tevp 6/30/2018, 10:16 am

Bill entered the Army in 1948 and became a bandsman, playing the French horn and also doing trumpet solos. "Walking past the pistol range one day and seeing some of the fellows shooting, made me want to try my hand at it."

Page 24 Guns, December 1963

Asked how he felt when he fired the .45 for the first time without coaching, Bill smiled. "When I got through counting the holes in the target, I knew I'd have a long ways to go with the gun. Out of 10 shots, only three landed on the paper, and I decided that I would have to do better."

"I think that the .45 caliber pistol is what helped me over the hump. The .45 is the most misunderstood gun in the field, and I think it is one of the easiest guns to master. Many shooters start out with a mental block, and the .45 is no harder to handle than the .22."

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