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Zins grip and trigger length?

Jack H
bruce martindale
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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by bruce martindale 10/1/2018, 10:56 am

If you are using a Zins grip, wouldn't you also want the shortest trigger shoe length possible? Wouldn't this reduce sideways steering torque on the frame?

bruce martindale

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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by bruce martindale 10/3/2018, 8:29 pm

No one?  No comments on trigger length? 

I have ideas but will have to play them to prove/disprove.

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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by dapduh2 10/3/2018, 8:59 pm

I think I kind of use his grip, just based on his video. But I use a medium length trigger. I think it still depends on you and what fits you best.

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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by joy2shoot 10/3/2018, 10:42 pm

I attended a Zins clinic and in a follow up email, he told me "Just remember right edge of the trigger goes in the crease of the first joint".  He also reemphasized to me the need to keep trigger finger placement consistent.  He and I were discussing the 1911 frame, not Euro grips or Euro grip angles.
Don't know if this answers your question, but I don't think there is a if-you-use-Zins-grip-you-must-use-this-length-trigger.  I think the answer is, if you use a correct grip (what I think Brian would call his grip), then the trigger length should be such that the right edge of the trigger naturally falls in the crease of the first joint.
Brian also said almost all the things people say that he said are wrong.  And that if you want to know what he said, ask him.  You can contact him at Point Blank Range in Matthews, NC.


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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by Jack H 10/3/2018, 10:43 pm

Depends on how long your fingers are.
Jack H
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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by DavidR 10/4/2018, 7:17 pm

Zins grip works for him it doesn't for everyone (me) you need to develop your own grip that keeps the sight on target while you pull the trigger, its not rocket science but its not always easy to do reputedly

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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by bdas 10/5/2018, 2:53 pm

When talking about grip and trigger finger placement, you need to keep the fundamentals in mind... it must be robot-like repeatable, it must allow natural sight alignment (from your aiming eye, to the sights, to the target), and it must allow you to pull the trigger straight back towards your eye. Everything else is just suggestions / ideas / common ways to achieve those.  For example, one advantage of putting the right edge of the trigger at the first crease of your finger is that it is very repeatable.

The Zins grip, as compared to a more traditional grip, has a tendency to rotate your hand on the gun (counter-clockwise when viewed from the top for a right-handed shooter, clockwise for lefties) in a way that helps people with shorter fingers reach the trigger properly (and can also help if you are cross-eye dominant and want to use your dominant eye).  And that makes sense, since Zins has short fingers.  But unthinking, slavish devotion to it (what computer programmers would call "cargo cult programming") can be counter-productive if you have long fingers, because it encourages you to pull the trigger (and thus the gun) to the right if you're not careful with your finger placement, also known as "too much trigger finger" on the wheel of misfortune.  On the flip side, if you have long fingers, and use the Zins grip, but you are careful to put the right edge of the trigger in the crease, you'll probably push the trigger (and thus the gun) to the left, called "too little trigger finger" on the wheel, because you are artificially holding your finger out to the right.  For me with my long fingers, on a 1911, using a grip that is a little less rotated than the Zins grip, plus thicker grip panels, plus grip spacers, plus a long trigger is collectively almost "long" enough to enable the desired finger placement (right edge of trigger in the crease for a straight-back pull), and it works for me.  But everyone's hand is different, so that will probably not be right for you.  



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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by 10sandxs 10/5/2018, 8:55 pm

DavidR wrote:Zins grip works for him it doesn't for everyone (me) you need to develop your own grip that keeps the sight on target while you pull the trigger, its not rocket science but its not always easy to do reputedly
I was shooting 2590s+ and went to a zins clinic to put me over the top to HM... I decided to commit to the zins grip for a year to see what happened... that was a wasted year for me...


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Zins grip and trigger length? Empty Re: Zins grip and trigger length?

Post by mhayford45 10/6/2018, 11:50 am

Was taught the Zins grip by Zins. 

I like it, it works and when I raise the gun the dot is visible and near ready to go.

I have tried a Short, Medium and Long trigger with the Zins grip and use the long as it minimizes right and left movement and promotes a straight back press.

My hand is average, right between a Medium/large Euro size.


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