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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by bruce martindale 10/1/2018, 9:00 pm

Uberti or Pietta?

bruce martindale

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Re: Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by Tim:H11 10/1/2018, 9:09 pm


"CVA was an importer not a manufacturer. Look under the loading lever and it should have the makers name or at least a logo. if it was made before 2000 it's most likely ASM(Armi san Marco)and will be dubious quality. After 2000 they were made by Pietta. Check the date code to see when it was made. There will be Roman numerals or two letters in a box on the right side of the frame."

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Re: Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by bruce martindale 10/2/2018, 8:14 am

Thanks Jason,

Of what is available, what would you buy?  A Ruger old army?

bruce martindale

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Re: Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by Tim:H11 10/2/2018, 12:16 pm

bruce martindale wrote:Thanks Jason,

Of what is available, what would you buy?  A Ruger old army?

Depends on the match. If it’s a “traditional gun” match or international rules then a Pietta or Uberti made Remington 1858 would be the one to use. If it’s like the American Nationals where we are allowed a lot more freedoms in modification then a Ruger Old Army is a good revolver but can be too heavy for some people. Outside of buyigna Ruger, the only other option is to have a Remington pattern modified fornsights and trigger. And the Ruger’s are pricey because they’re considered collectible. Personally I like a Pietta. Stronger parts than Uberti though not as pretty of a gun, and lighter than the Ruger. And depending on what work you have done and by whom it could be about the same as a Ruger in cost or maybe a little less.

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Re: Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by bruce martindale 10/2/2018, 12:40 pm

Are adjustable sights allowed?

bruce martindale

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Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas? Empty Re: Who made the CVA 1860 army replicas?

Post by Tim:H11 10/2/2018, 12:50 pm

bruce martindale wrote:Are adjustable sights allowed?

Depends what asaotiation and match you shoot. If you’re participating in the grand agg for the national championship match at friendship through the NMLRA or the NRA Nationals then yes. If it’s labeled as a “traditional” match or an international match then no. Those guns will have to be either an original gun (antique/vintage) or a replica of an original and those gun are usually inspected before the match.

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Age : 36
Location : Midland, GA

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