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Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet

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Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet Empty Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet

Post by bruce martindale 12/17/2018, 8:15 am

At 50 yards?

bruce martindale

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Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet Empty Re: Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet

Post by gregbenner 12/17/2018, 9:54 am

Mike38 is in process of sending me a few which I plan to test in my RR with my Pardini. I’ll do a side by side with both the standard and the bumped Speer bullet. Hopefully this month.


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Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet Empty Re: Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet

Post by Mike38 12/17/2018, 10:42 am

Yes, I sent Greg 30-40 Bear Creek bullets for testing. Thanks Greg! I shot a few at 25 yards off a rifle rest and iron sights. I know, not the best way to test, but it's all I have. The Bear Creek bullets held the X ring in this test as long as I did my part. There was an occasional 10, and a 9 but I called that one. If Greg gets some results after the holidays that are favorable, I'll be buying a good supply shortly thereafter.

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Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet Empty Re: Has anyone tried the Bear Creek 98 grain 32 S &W bullet

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