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Seating depth questions (.38 Special)

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Seating depth questions (.38 Special) Empty Seating depth questions (.38 Special)

Post by joeangi 4/5/2019, 9:17 am

I have just started reloading and am in need of a little guidance. I have been reading up on this for hours and am confused.

Basics- Bill Davis PPC gun (13-1), shooting primarily 50 yard bullseye. I have loaded up and shot approx. 350 rounds of Speer 148Gr. HBWC with 3.1 Gr. of 231. mounted flush with just a light crimp. Nice load, and shoots well. I purchased 500 Hornady HBWC and loaded them with the 3.1 Gr. of 231 and they feel like it has much more recoil than the Speers. I am going to load some tonight with 3.0 Gr. and see how that handles.

Just recieved my Brazos 148 Gr. DEWC and am looking to load them tonight. I am reading that they should be loaded many different ways...Flush? Just to the bevel? Deep enough to use the crimp groove? Crimped...not crimped...same powder load (3.1)...add .3 because they are not hollow backed? I am leaning toward seating them deep enough to put a light crimp on the groove and start with 3.3 gr.'s. I understand that all of these loads will work "fine" but I am looking for what others would suggest.

Thank you for any advice you can lend.


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Join date : 2018-11-26
Age : 60
Location : Westchester, NY

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Seating depth questions (.38 Special) Empty Re: Seating depth questions (.38 Special)

Post by Wobbley 4/5/2019, 11:44 am

Since they’re for a revolver, seat them to the crimp groove and 3.3 will be fine,  if you have a chronograph you want them no faster than 800 fps and 750 is better.

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Seating depth questions (.38 Special) Empty Re: Seating depth questions (.38 Special)

Post by desben 4/5/2019, 12:05 pm

I've loaded DEWC at both lengths and didn't see a difference. I ended up loading them flush so I didn't need to adjust the dies when switching between DEWC and HBWC (I'm lazy). Either way, I didn't adjust my powder charge and they were fine at the short line. At 50 yards, the DEWC were a waste of time for me; only HBWC grouped well. Others have had success with either.

I'll share with you two posts I collected from Ed Harris. I think you'll find them interesting. He discusses the difference between HBWC and DEWC.

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Location : Ontario, Canada

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Seating depth questions (.38 Special) Empty Re: Seating depth questions (.38 Special)

Post by joeangi 4/5/2019, 12:09 pm

Thank you for the replies!


Posts : 133
Join date : 2018-11-26
Age : 60
Location : Westchester, NY

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