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WC seating depth vs. charge

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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by Trigger71 Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:54 pm

I am new to loading WC's.  I plan on starting with some of the tried and true powder recipes, but have a question about seating depth.  I see some are crimping with the bullet flush and others are leaving a little lead showing or using the first groove.  Wouldn't trying these different depths change the charge weight?  Do the various seating depths still fall into, for instance, 2.7-3.2 of BE for the 148's?

I have:
Hornady HBWC
Acme WC.DBB  -coated
Acme BNWC (no lube groove) coated

Suggestions on where to seat these, and if the powder charge should change?
BE, Tite on hand..


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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty Re: WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by Wobbley Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:47 am

I have not loaded Wadcutters with tight group.  

I have loaded with Bullseye, Red Dot, 700X, and 452AA ( Precursor of WST.  452AA and Bullseye gave very similar velocities and accuracy with HBWC bullets out of a 52.  Red Dot and 700X were significantly higher in velocity, on the order of 50 to 75 fps.  Accuracy wasn’t as good with Red Dot or 700X.  Bullets were seated flush for all as the 52 does not have the mag length to have bullets seated out.  I do not know if the Wadcutter with button nose can be used or if they must be seated deeper as I have not tried them yet.  I have shot swaged DE WC with identical loads and accuracy.  I have settled on 452AA and Bullseye for 38 WC loading.

Here is an image to show that seating depth of WC bullets is critical and is especially important with Red Dot and some other powders.  WC seating depth vs. charge 4f7e4610

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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty Re: WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by Trigger71 Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:03 am

Thanks W.  I watched that YT video by Don Lutter on the subject.  I recognized that diagram.

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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty Re: WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by desben Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:56 pm

I load HBWC flush with 2.7. I use the same load when I put cast DEWC flush, or bump it up to 2.9 when I load to crimp groove. I use WST powder. I never got the DEWC to group well at 50 yards out of my Model 14, but they work well at 20-25 yards.

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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty Re: WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by rich.tullo Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:48 pm

desben wrote:I load HBWC flush with 2.7. I use the same load when I put cast DEWC flush, or bump it up to 2.9 when I load to crimp groove. I use WST powder. I never got the DEWC to group well at 50 yards out of my Model 14, but they work well at 20-25 yards.
For Revolver, I load HBWC almost flush just maybe 1/2mm of lead showing , with a nice light roll crimp, so I know to clean my dies when they start to get flush. 

I do not think reloading to the lube groove helps at all since the hollow base and the soft lead makes the round sensitive to start. 

If you load them long you may lose some accuracy and they may shoot slightly softer.

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WC seating depth vs. charge Empty Re: WC seating depth vs. charge

Post by noylj Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:56 pm

1) choose your COL that you like
2) work up load
3) when you change bullet brand/type, rework load.
Traditional loads are traditionally "good enough."
Do not load any HBWC above 800 fps.
Traditionally, 625-725 fps is target velocity for HBWC.


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