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seating depth for proper crimp, swc

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seating depth for proper crimp, swc Empty seating depth for proper crimp, swc

Post by Eindecker 12/30/2023, 12:44 am

Ive been loading to many wadcutters, cleaned my dies, and i cant find my dummy rounds.  Can someone please put up a few pictures that show the correct amount the case mouth should protrude INTO the crimp groove BEFORE you crimp, in order to get a proper crimp?

For teh life of me, i thought it was "seat bullet until top of crimp groove is a hair above case mouth"  but with my 38s all that oes it get it to seat right on the very bottom edge of the front band and im going nuts.


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Join date : 2022-10-08

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seating depth for proper crimp, swc Empty Re: seating depth for proper crimp, swc

Post by Wobbley 12/30/2023, 6:29 pm

seating depth for proper crimp, swc D1ae4310
About halfway or a bit more than the cannelure width will work.  dont need much crimp.

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seating depth for proper crimp, swc Empty Re: seating depth for proper crimp, swc

Post by Eindecker 12/30/2023, 8:24 pm

jacketed is EASY.. 

however getting my deis reset for swc was a pain. Eventually found a thread elsewhere that mentioned getting the case mouth just at or slightly below the top of the crimpe groove. gives results that look like what magtech and buffalo bore show on their website. 

loaded up 50 swc and 50 wadcutter today. tiresome but HP-38 goes a REALLY LONG WAY.. Unique in 44 is a sher joy.


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seating depth for proper crimp, swc Empty Re: seating depth for proper crimp, swc

Post by Allgoodhits 1/1/2024, 2:07 pm

Eindecker wrote:jacketed is EASY.. 

however getting my deis reset for swc was a pain. Eventually found a thread elsewhere that mentioned getting the case mouth just at or slightly below the top of the crimpe groove. gives results that look like what magtech and buffalo bore show on their website. 

loaded up 50 swc and 50 wadcutter today. tiresome but HP-38 goes a REALLY LONG WAY.. Unique in 44 is a sher joy.

I load 148 gr WC and 158 gr SWC the same. OAL is different of course, but relationship of neck of brass and shoulder of the bullets are almost identical. For me that is seating bullet to a depth which permits the brass neck to just reach that "square" shoulder of WC or SWC. The above for target loads out to 50 yds. I load 2.8 gr WST for both of these. Sometimes go to 3.0 with the 158s.

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seating depth for proper crimp, swc Empty Re: seating depth for proper crimp, swc

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