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Cast bullet order rejects?

David R
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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by desben 4/14/2019, 6:15 am

I tried to order from a different local bullet caster; he came in highly recommended. After taking a quick look, I think I'll have to put aside 5% of the bullets because they are wrinkled or the lube was not correctly applied. From my previous supplier, I only had to put aside maybe 1-3 bullets per thousand because they showed an obvious defect -- I was fine with that. In your experience, what is an average reject rate?

More worrisome, there's about a 50/50 mix of flat base and bevel base in this box. I will have to sort them to satisfy my OCD. Not impressed. I'll send a note to the the gentleman who cast them and see what he has to say...

Cast bullet order rejects? Flat_a10
Cast bullet order rejects? Crazy_10
Cast bullet order rejects? Wrinkl10

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by dronning 4/14/2019, 6:21 am

No excuse for that whatsoever!  That's just shoddy, all I can say it looks like the last order of someone going out of business because of poor quality.  I'd return the whole lot.
- Dave

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by David R 4/14/2019, 7:27 am

The wrinkled ones should have been re melted. That is from a cold mold, usually on start up.

I would be embarrased to sell them.

David R
David R

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by cdrt 4/14/2019, 8:19 am

I've used thousands of bullets from a Texas bullet maker since 2003.  In that time, I have found only two bullets that were defective.  What you have there is appalling.

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by lablover 4/14/2019, 8:59 am

Those are horrible!  I’d be sending those back in a heartbeat.  I tend to be pretty picky about my reloading process and I’ll be damned if I compromise with bullets.  I’ve found that although it takes more time I cast my own.  Sure I’d love to not have to do it but I can get the quality I want.  My biggest nit pick is the driving bands.  Rounded over bands and dents all over them in my opinion is unsat.

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by zanemoseley 4/14/2019, 11:50 am

Half flat base and half bevel base lol, that's some quality. Try a batch from Magnus, tell him you're on the forum for a discount.


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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by farmboy 4/14/2019, 8:47 pm

lablover wrote:Those are horrible!  I’d be sending those back in a heartbeat. 
+1 and then some

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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

Post by fpk 4/15/2019, 11:49 pm

There really is no excuse for wrinkles for a commercial caster. As mentioned above, this is just the mold not being up to temperature or the pour rate being super slow. The difference in the bases is almost as if they had two different mold sets in play for that batch -- it is hard to believe that is a fill-out difference. There certainly are challenges making every bullet perfect, every time, but wrinkles and that kind of base difference are not the ones that you would struggle with. We would send out a new shipment, full stop, if we ever had something like that slip through out QC.


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Cast bullet order rejects? Empty Re: Cast bullet order rejects?

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