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Ultra Dot Matchdot II

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Ultra Dot Matchdot II Empty Ultra Dot Matchdot II

Post by Allen Barnett Fri May 17, 2019 4:47 pm

This question is for user's of the red dot in the title of this post and people who use the larger dot sizes.  I have determined that there is a variance in the actual dot size between different manufacturer's.  Go figure right?  My question is how much of the black is covered at 50 and 25 yards when the red dot is set at 8 moa?  I have 3 Millet red dot's that have have the adjustable dot size feature and when set on 8 moa it "appears" to cover out to about the 9 ring at 50 yards and about half of the 9 ring at 25 yards. I do not like the smaller size red dots (2, 3 and 4 moa).  The smallest I ever go with my Millets is 6 moa.  Just trying to find something that has a larger dot size that is reasonably priced.

Allen Barnett

Posts : 524
Join date : 2012-10-22
Age : 68
Location : Central Missouri

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Ultra Dot Matchdot II Empty Re: Ultra Dot Matchdot II

Post by LenV Fri May 17, 2019 6:01 pm

3,5, 8, 10 MOA. I would rate them about the same quality as a Millett.


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Age : 74
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