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Distinguished Revolver

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Distinguished Revolver  Empty Distinguished Revolver

Post by Reload 6/10/2019, 8:58 am

Question: Under the Distinguished Revolver Rules, can you change the springs? Can you polish any internal surfaces other than the sear and sear notch?
The NRA rules say no internal modifications other than polishing the sear and sear notch. I sent an email to NRA Competitions but have not received a reply.
In speaking to a few shooters, some Distinguished, and a Match Director, all said it is permissible to change the springs as long as 2 1/2 lbs or more.
The stock Ruger and Smith I have come with extremely heavy triggers.

“Except  for  stocks  and  the  honing  of the sear  or  sear  notch to  make a more  crisp trigger,  and maintain a 2 1/2 lb. minimum trigger pull, no  external  or  internal  modification  may  be  made  to  the  revolver  as  manufactured  and  sold  by the factory of  origin.“


Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-06-06

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Distinguished Revolver  Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by adminbot1911 6/13/2019, 10:04 am

A draconian - and unenforceable - rule.  I'm not distinguished but I'm not going to protest someone that has installed lighter springs.  It's not why I got beat.

Which match director can tell, even during the weight and prefire inspection that this was done or not?

The last DR match I shot I had to loan THREE people revolvers and ammo just to get enough so someone could leg.  I'm all for expanding the available field of competition.  If they shoot a revolver with a 2.5 lbs pull and 158gr ammunition then as far as I am concerned they are in competition.

Posts : 352
Join date : 2019-05-17

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Distinguished Revolver  Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Reload 6/15/2019, 8:00 pm

Just weighed the trigger on my Ruger SP101: 6 lbs SA; 11 lbs DA. I’m changing the springs.  I’ll view it as replacing existing parts rather than an “internal modification.”  Importantly I view it as within the spirit of the rules. It’s also a health and safety issue, I’ll tear a tendon with the original springs.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-06-06

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Distinguished Revolver  Empty Re: Distinguished Revolver

Post by Founder 6/16/2019, 10:24 am

The conventional stance that the officials have taken has been IF such a pistol has come from the factory in the manner that yours appears, it is not "modified".

There are some SP101s out there that came from the factory with lighter triggers. If yours ends up equipped the same as those other SP101s then you should be fine.

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Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI.


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