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Ransom rest use & results....

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Ransom rest use & results.... Empty Ransom rest use & results....

Post by zanemoseley Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:57 pm

I'm new to ransom rests but just picked up a nice used one. Today I tried my 1911/45 made by Jon.

I just had a sturdy wood bench to use, it's attached to the side wall of the shelter, the weight is decent. It was 90% sturdy. If you play nice and don't touch the bench any more than necessary it's sturdy but if you try you can get it to move ever so slightly. I would like to try anchored to concrete but need to get permission to drill the concrete at our range, there are some old inserts in the ground that are in rough shape.

So do you shoot off wood or concrete and how do the results vary.

Also 5 shot group or 10 shot group? I had a couple 5 shot groups that were 1.25" - 1.5" that opened up to 2.5" or more with 10 shots.

How is your consistency group to group? I had a few good groups but several pitiful ones. I guess that's the issue with a wood bench, if the group isn't good you're left wondering if it was the gun&ammo or the rest adding variation. I suppose you theoretically could track patterns on a wood bench or concrete but might get more exaggerated on wood.

Below are my 3 best groups today with 3 different loads. One is 185gr Magnus #801 & 4.1WST. one is Magma 160gr button nose over 4.6 WST and Remington match 185 jacketed over 4.5 WST. One thing that surprised me is that I shot two 10 shot groups of Zero 185jhp ammo and neither one was remotely good like 4"+.

Ransom rest use & results.... 07061910


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Location : Cookeville, TN

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Ransom rest use & results.... Empty Re: Ransom rest use & results....

Post by jglenn21 Sat Jul 06, 2019 11:42 pm

those kruger targets make nice holes don't they.

not bad targets at all given the wood bench. Concrete and steel is the norm for a ransom bench..  steel for rigidity and the concrete dampens any vibrations.

Who say the 160s don't shoot at 50 yds.. I run 4.4 of WST for mine.. I have Hi-Tek coated 160s and normal lubed ones.. the lubed  rounds seem to always shoot better at 50?? at least in my KKM barreled pistols..

if you have it try 4.2 of BE or N310 for the Magnus/Zero bullets..

For me WST works very well with lead, but N310 and BE seem better with jacketed.

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Ransom rest use & results.... Empty Re: Ransom rest use & results....

Post by zanemoseley Sat Jul 06, 2019 11:56 pm

I was happy to see the 160 grain group, the first 5 shots of that group above was about 1.25" then opened up with the next 5 shots.

I have a box of 500 of the Magnus/Zero 185 bullets. The factory load is quite hot, you could visibly see the difference in the recoil on the RR. I will be developing a lighter hand load this fall. I'll try 4.2 BE you suggest.


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Location : Cookeville, TN

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Ransom rest use & results.... Empty Re: Ransom rest use & results....

Post by jlow Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:39 am

FWIW, group size always open up as you increase round count.  We see it in precision rifle and it's because both 5 and 10 round groups are small samples which reflect what the true distribution would be.  So the more you shoot, your chance of getting one which sits on the edge of the true group size increase.

In terms of getting a more steady platform, I wonder if it would help if you put a couple of large sand bags on the table?


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