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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by Saladman 8/25/2019, 4:13 pm

Good day everyone,

I recently purchased a Marvel conversion, and I'm looking to get a dedicated lower for it.  There's a local pawn shop with a ~$500 Rock Island Armory 1911 that seems to have a good trigger.  Alternatively a complete frame would likely cost $1000 or so...

Any suggestions here or things to think about with respect to buying a gun (or frame) as a dedicated host?


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by KenO 8/25/2019, 8:02 pm

I have a Nelson that worked 100% with my Springfield. I wanted a dedicated lower, so I bought a RI 1911. I couldn't get it to work, changed springs, bought a Camper hammer group etc, and gave up. Sold it at a loss, and bought a Caspian frame, and built my own lower. Works great.

I bought another Nelson, built another lower, and have two reliable .22s.

I've heard others having better luck with their RI. Just warning you it's a crap shoot.


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by Saladman 8/25/2019, 8:29 pm

As I recall, there are gunsmiths that won't work on RIA guns. Shocked

How difficult was building your own?  I'd ideally like to get one of those "heavy" frames and go from there.  Still, it's probably somewhat costly if you don't have the tools already.


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by jglenn21 8/25/2019, 8:52 pm

one mans journey in building a lower


with some of the really good ignition sets available these days it can be done at a decent price.. nothing wrong with the Foster frames from Caspian. In fact they have their SS frames on sale right now for 125..

  I much prefer Brownells for sourcing parts than Midway..

if you are new to the 1911 platform then it can be a bit of a challenge

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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by WillH 8/26/2019, 3:01 pm

The approach I took was to buy a Springfield NM frame from a vendor on Gunbroker, and then installed a reduced power mainspring and no further modifications were needed.  I also installed a KC roll trigger kit but the stock trigger it came with was actually pretty decent.  I've been shooting it regular for about a year and happy with it.  In fact, I bought my lower from the vendor shown below and had great customer service.  Note:  I'm not affiliated with the seller or anything, just providing an example of what might be out there to consider.

Another lesson I learned was not to set the over travel too tight on the lower or it will cause light strikes.


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by Kp321 8/28/2019, 5:12 pm

I have two Nelsons on Caspian/Foster frames. I used C&S ignition kits on both along with lots of parts out of my 1911 box. Both pistols run 100% and were true drop in's, required no fitting of slide to frame. Stainless Foster frames are on sale right now for $125, hard deal to beat.


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by KenO 8/28/2019, 5:51 pm

I actually did use Foster frames, Caspian had the carbon steel frames on sale for $100, I bought two, should have bought more.

It wasn't hard, but very time consuming. There are lots of online tutors, some from Brownells.

I bought a C&S fast/light ignition groups, rebuild kit, metal finishing spray coat, a couple stones, etc from Brownells. Most the other parts I got off eBay. Small files, punch pin set, etc from Harbor freight.

I stayed with brand name parts, and put Sharkskin grips on them.

I didn't total up the cost, but it wasn't cheap. The Springfield frame posted above would probably be cheaper, and a lot less trouble. I did enjoy building them, and learned a lot. I went slow, you can remove metal, but can't put it back.


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Options for a dedicated Marvel frame? Empty Re: Options for a dedicated Marvel frame?

Post by Aprilian 8/29/2019, 8:58 am

KenO wrote:I didn't total up the cost, but it wasn't cheap.   you can remove metal, but can't put it back.
you can if you don't mind adding a welder to the costs

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