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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's Empty Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

Post by Huskerhunter 10/8/2019, 11:48 am

So I picked up two vintage bullseye pistols. A Giles and a Madore. I know a little bit about these two smiths but don't know enough. Of course I don't have the test targets that usually would tell me what loads the smiths used.

I have some 200gr coated SWC's both with and without lube groove.

Anyone have suggestions about working up loads? I'm not trying to win national titles or anything, but would like to have loads that would maximize the potential of the gun within reason.

Thank you in advance.


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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's Empty Re: Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

Post by DA/SA 10/8/2019, 11:58 am

Right above where you just posted is a "sticky" showing pretty much what you are asking about.


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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's Empty Re: Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

Post by Colt711 10/9/2019, 11:22 pm

My Giles .45 HS came with test targets....one 3.5 of BE and a 200 cast SWC the other a factory match 185 jacketed, seems like a Fed. The year, 1975! How sweet it was!!

Ron Habegger


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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's Empty Re: Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

Post by bmize1 10/11/2019, 10:12 am

I have a Giles target from 1961 and it shows 3.6BE with H&G 68, crimp to .463


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Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's Empty Re: Starting Loads for vintage Madore and Giles 45's

Post by BE Mike 10/12/2019, 7:36 am

I used to have a Giles and my father had a Madore. Both shot exceptionally well from the machine rest at the long line with a Nosler 185 gr. JHP, 4.5 grains of Bullseye and a crimp of .470". If I had those pistols, I'd change out the recoil spring first thing. You have some great workmanship there.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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