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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Mike M.
Asa Yam
bruce martindale
Allen Barnett
john bickar
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In what other disciplines have you competed in, currently compete in, or would consider competing in at at least the local level? (Select all that apply)

Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Vote_lcap19%Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Vote_rcap 19% 
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Total Votes : 283

Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by mpolans 6/23/2020, 2:41 pm

I'm just curious what other shooting disciplines folks either compete in or would consider competing in.  My shooting background is very eclectic, from IPSC when I was kid, to 3-position sporter air rifle and 10m air pistol in high school, to NRA Bullseye, trap, skeet, and sporting clays now.

As several disciplines seem to be declining, I wonder if there are commonalities among them and if there is potential for crossover events that would be of mutual benefit.

I'm assuming everyone here shoots NRA Bullseye, so I didn't include that as an option.  Because of the limits on potential responses, I had to group several together.  Feel free to specify in comments.

Besides the poll response, feel free to answer some of the following questions:

1. Why or why are you interested/not interested in shooting other disciplines?

2. What factors prevent you from shooting other disciplines?

3. What are some things you think shooting discipline governing bodies, local clubs and ranges, and fellow shooters could do that would influence you to consider trying other shooting disciplines?


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Al 6/23/2020, 3:33 pm

I'd add Target Archery as a choice. That was my discipline of choice for over 35 years before discovering Bullseye.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by TonyH 6/23/2020, 4:52 pm

I participate (or used to) in Target Archery as well. I have tried most of the other shooting sports and all of them are fun, but none as challenging or self satisfying  as Precision Pistol for me.

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Wobbley 6/23/2020, 6:07 pm

No CMP/NRA Highpower?

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by zanemoseley 6/23/2020, 6:58 pm

I've shot some Olympic recurve and it's quite challanging. I'm lucky enough to be able to fit a regulation 20 yard target in my basement so can shoot whenever I want but getting the motivation is the hurdle lol. I also really used to enjoy 3P small bore, the standing position is quite a challange.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by mpolans 6/23/2020, 7:55 pm

Wobbley wrote:No CMP/NRA Highpower?
Darn.  Forgot about that.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by spaatz1644 6/23/2020, 9:08 pm

I got started shooting smallbore silhouette as a kid. My grandpa ran a club for decades, and I'd tag a long in the summers. 

I have a family tradition in highpower rifle going back to the 1930s, so I took that up about five years ago. 

For me highpower is so equipment heavy, I burn out on it every once in a while. And when I do, I get interested in bullseye pistol. So that's why I'm here. I just bought a Colt Gold Cup and a Ruger Mark II. I plan to hit some matches soon.

I have a lot of hobbies and bounce around them all a lot. I'm also a competitive bowler. I play in a bluegrass band. I run a marathon every few years. Every few years I play in a softball league.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Sa-tevp 6/23/2020, 9:58 pm

I figured since I try to organize 10 Air Pistol matches in Griffin Georgia I should chime in. Contact me if you are in the area and if we should try 50 meter pistol again. The indoor range has six 50 meter shooting targets and we did 20 shots per target 3 times.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Lefty 6/23/2020, 10:24 pm

I'm thinking about doing some Steel Challenge-type stuff, but it seems not quite run & gun (no running around) nor Bianchi (very equipment-dependent), so didn't vote for those.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by john bickar 6/23/2020, 10:27 pm

I think it's funny that 25 years ago "three-gun" meant bullseye. And then "bullseye" was "conventional" and now it's "precision". 

I'm happy for all y'all to make up new shooting sports, but can you please leave bullseye the F alone? I kinda like this one the way it is.

Someone please tell me where I can go shoot a 2700.
john bickar
john bickar

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by MarkF45 6/23/2020, 10:35 pm

You could add smallbore and highpower rifle.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by rburk 6/23/2020, 11:51 pm

+1 for archery, I competed internationally and was a member of the U.S. archery team in the 1980's.  FITA rules, both target and field archery.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by valbern67 6/24/2020, 3:23 pm

I'm up for trying just about any other shooting sport!!

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by john bickar 6/24/2020, 3:47 pm

john bickar wrote:I think it's funny that 25 years ago "three-gun" meant bullseye. And then "bullseye" was "conventional" and now it's "precision". 

I'm happy for all y'all to make up new shooting sports, but can you please leave bullseye the F alone? I kinda like this one the way it is.

Someone please tell me where I can go shoot a 2700.

Guess I was cranky last night. Not having any matches to shoot this year will do that to a guy... I didn't mean to imply that the OP was messing with bullseye.

I obviously think cross-training is a good thing (see avatar pic).
john bickar
john bickar

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Allen Barnett 6/24/2020, 5:12 pm

I shoot some Rimfire Challenge really doesn't fit your polling.  It started as the Ruger Rimfire Challenge.  Timed steel event without all the runnng around stuff and you must shoot both a rifle and a pistol with 2 classes, Limited gun (iron sights) and Open gun (Run what you brung!)  Lots of kids and families shoot in this sport.  It is cheap and easy to set up.  My one claim to fame was shooting at the Rimfire Challenge World in 2018 when I took 3rd Senior in the Limtied Class!  Got a real nice engraved knife out of the deal. LOL

Allen Barnett

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by JIMPGOV 6/24/2020, 5:15 pm



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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by bruce martindale 6/24/2020, 5:23 pm

If it's plumbous, I'm likely to shoot it!

Sa tevp, did we cross paths doing Olympic trials and USAS Nationals in GA?

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by mpolans 6/24/2020, 5:53 pm

Nope.  That's one I didn't forget! See the fourth choice from the top.

I'm a little surprised at some of the areas of crossover.  I figured the ISSF pistol events would be the biggest (and it is), but I didn't expect folks to also shoot benchrest and metallic silhouette.  I also expected more crossover with NRA Action Pistol and PPC.


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Asa Yam 6/24/2020, 7:35 pm

Prone only NRA Highpower.  Used to shoot Metallic Silhouette, but have not done so since the mid- to late- 1990s.  Have not shot Smallbore rifle competitions since 2003, it is good training for mid- and long range highpower.

Mid and long range highpower matches are coming back to Oregon and Washington, time to load ammo for it.

Asa Yam

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Sa-tevp 6/26/2020, 6:49 pm

bruce martindale wrote:If it's plumbous, I'm likely to shoot it!

Sa tevp, did we cross paths doing Olympic trials and USAS Nationals in GA?

Were you shooting in the 50 meter pistol group that included Alex Chichkov and John Zurek maybe around 2014? I had gotten into 10 meter Air Pistol and drove down to see the trials and mainly watched the 50m qualifying. I think the audience was me (civilian) and local two Army guys. John Zurek disputed the difference between the qualifying clock and his time keeping at the end of qualifying. Alex Chickov had a problem with his front sight mount coming loose. It was amazing to watch everyone's shot process.

I love seeing World Cup in person. A couple of my friends help run the ranges and often point out competitors to watch. I wish ISSF and the Olympic committee had made 50 meter pistol a mixed event instead of cancelling it. Some women shoot it very well.


Last edited by Sa-tevp on 6/26/2020, 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I spelled Alex Chichkov's name wrong.)

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Lefty 6/26/2020, 6:51 pm

+1 on the women in FP!


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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by bruce martindale 6/27/2020, 7:19 pm

I shotvwith Zurek, Tony Silva, Zins, and others but earlier than your dates.

Loved it!

bruce martindale

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Mike M. 7/10/2020, 3:46 pm

I'm the heretic.  I started with black powder, primarily North-South Skirmish Association...then got on the U.S. International Muzzle-Loading Team.  And I'll get banned for saying it, but prefer the ISSF events to pure Bullseye.  I shoot a monthly AP match over the winter just to keep sharp - and humble.

Mike M.

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Mike38 7/10/2020, 4:06 pm

My local club has what they call a 'Combat Pistol' league, which is basically a 48 shot PPC match ran for 5 weeks. For the fun of it, I decided to give it a go. I won the league, which kind of upset some of the better shooters that a newbie would come in and beat them. I credit the use of the basic fundamentals learned in Bullseye. The pistol I used was nothing special, a bone stock Beretta 92FS. I've always wanted to try something in ISSF, but never get around to it.

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Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines? Empty Re: Crossover between Bullseye and other Shooting Disciplines?

Post by Ghillieman 7/11/2020, 1:09 am

You left out Highpower, Service Rifle, and smallbore.
I was very active in all 3 for years.
Still have my Anschutz.

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