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Why pardini over walther

john bickar
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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Why pardini over walther

Post by Dtdk 8/27/2020, 7:03 pm

First topic message reminder :

I see that there is a lot of love for the pardini here. Why is it so popular over the Walther gsp expert?


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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by bruce martindale 8/29/2020, 3:25 pm

I wish someone would support Walther at the big shoots, that would help a lot. I had mentioned that to Janet. Xxx at the lobster match. No action. The Euro 32 s&wL barrels are too big and factory ammo diameters too small; it could be so much better! Dave Wilson has a fix. The 32 is a monster to swing in ISSF Duelling aka Intl CF. Triggers are riveted together making service impossible. Mine had rough hewn plunger holes that made trigger gritty. The 22 shoots well but taking the rear sight off for a scope isn't ideal. Eats everything, reliable. I do like it.

bruce martindale

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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by mikemyers 8/29/2020, 4:13 pm

I almost bought a Pardini once, after reading all the posts here, watching all the videos, learning how to maintain it, etc.
I decided that I'd be getting the same scores I get now, but I'd be $2,500 or so poorer.
With all the things that can be configured, maybe my scores would go down, not up.
When the world returns to normal, maybe I'll use part of that $$$ and take a bullseye course, maybe from Brian, maybe ???

As to what's posted up above, I don't think "it's the score that counts".  
I think it's the expression of satisfaction on someone's face at the end of the event.  
It's not the tool, it's the person using the tool.

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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by ssauer2004 8/29/2020, 4:40 pm

I think we also discount the re-sale value of a newer model Pardini.  Even if a brand new pistol is purchased the initial depreciation is not that steep.  I did not really want to part with the cash, but if you shoot a lot it's totally worth it.  I never want to be the richest guy in the graveyard!

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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by Fezzik68 8/29/2020, 5:57 pm

I shot the first few years of leagues with a Mark III, then an old High Standard 103. The GSP didn't make my scores go up, but I was paying more attention to the fundamentals as I got used to the new pistol, and spent more time the range.
As far as resale, I told Earl that the plan was to wear this gun out. He laughed. Hard.

I still have the 103 as a backup gun, my daughter shoots the Mark III.
I vaguely remember someone telling me how gun math works...
Seems I still have some room in the safe for more.


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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by bruce martindale 8/29/2020, 6:05 pm

Capital equipment...that's why you buy a 208s. Just sayin

bruce martindale

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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by mikemyers 8/29/2020, 6:06 pm

Fezzik68 wrote:.......Seems I still have some room in the safe for more.......
Unfortunately, that is so true!

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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by bullseye67 9/18/2020, 1:12 am

Good evening,

Soooo....late to this post.

I started with a tricked out Ruger 22/45 lots of VQ parts. I was just a casual shooter with it. 2 hands ring-a-ding on steel out to 50 meters. One handed shooting was OK. I shot air pistol at 10M from 14 to 16 so I knew all about ISSF. Joined the local indoor Bullseye league 2011 and wasn’t getting the results I wanted. Bought a used Walter GSP. Scores went up and up as I remembered all the “stuff”. I broke a firing pin and one of the guys lent me their spare pistol. An old Pardini. I fell in LOVE....it felt just like my old 10M air pistol. I shot it the next week and my scores were better than the GSP. I promptly ordered a brand new Pardini HP in 22LR and 32 S&W long. That was 6 years ago. I have pulled the trigger over 100,000 times with live 22LR and close to the same in 32. I have no idea how many times I have pulled the trigger in dry fire? 4 firing pins and 3 Recoil springs for 32. 3 firing pins and 2 recoil springs in 22LR. 

I shoot league twice a week and shoot for fun(a brick or so)once or twice a week on steel outside.

Some of the guys in our league have Hammerli’s, Benelli’s and GSP’s that have even more rounds on them. Our oldest shooter is 83...his new GSP is from 1982 I couldn’t even guess how many times he has pulled the trigger!!

Buy one that you like....you won’t likely wear it out!!!!!


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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by CrankyThunder 9/18/2020, 6:32 am

Hi Guys:

Ya know, Mike Meyers said "Its the satisfaction on the persons face.........".

I get a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from this sport.  Part of that enjoyment is the appreciation and admiration for the toys we play with.  

Not only do I like practicing, going to matches, the post match wrap up at the saloon, I also enjoy going over my Pardini and other equipment the next day in preparation for the next match.  The cleaning and reassembly of the pistol, refilling the ammo supply, cleaning the lenses on the red dot and spotter.  Getting all the empty brass from the floor of the pistol box.  The smell of the cleaning supplies. 

A ritual that I enjoy.  I liked the ritual back when I was shooting the IZH-35M but I really enjoy it with the Pardini.  

Funny thing is that I also compete sometimes in IDPA with a Glock 17L.  I am sure that some people enjoy cleaning a Glock but to me, match preparation is a chore with the Tupperware handgun.  Maybe its because I need some anti biotics after shooting the Glock but its definitely not a pleasant task like it is with the Pardini.  

Enjoyment and appreciation of our equipment is a significant portion of the total satisfaction we get from this sport.  

If you say that your gun is just a tool, go shoot your ruger or your victory and enjoy.  I like shooting my Pardini, I like the way it recoils, I like when I see the X blown out by the perfect shot, I like cleaning it, and I like polishing it.  I like how I have the perfect red dot on it and I like to admire the walnut grips Dick Horton made for me.  I also like letting others shoot it as they are considering a new pistol and watching their face light up with amazement. If you understand, great!  If not, well that is fine too.  


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Why pardini over walther - Page 2 Empty Re: Why pardini over walther

Post by TonyH 9/18/2020, 6:44 am

^^^^Pure unadulterated love!!!^^^^

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