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NRA State Team

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NRA State Team Empty NRA State Team

Post by noalibis.mary Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:28 pm

One of my task in computing Outdoor State Championship results has always been to fill out a form (attaching $12) listing our top 10 state residents ranked by .22 caliber NMC scores making our "State Team" for an NRA Postal Match.  Winners got a blue hat pin, and then, if our score ranked within the top 3 nationally, winners got a gold/silver or bronze hat pin as well.  No form was in my package this year (and no reply to my email inquiries...)

NJ scores back thru 2003 are at www.njpistol.net/champions.asp#state_team with links to our top 10, and also to the NRA final rankings (someone at NRA actually computed this for 2019 in April 2020 - no pins, of course...)

I have been especially proud that 2 JUNIORS have made our State Team for the past 2 years!

If ANY OTHER Match Director who managed, amid COVID horrors, to run an Outdoor State Pistol Championship this year would like to email ME your state's top 10 list, I will make a summary for 2020 and publish all on www.NJPistol.net - this was a nice tradition for competitors who deserved recognition (which will fall by the wayside if no one values it...)

PS-I am already keeping a list of "pending" NRA NATIONAL RECORDS for Indoor/Outdoor Precision Pistol (which have not been updated by NRA since 2016) - if anyone has submitted any additional "pending" records, email me the specifics and I'll include them on www.NJPistol.net


Posts : 67
Join date : 2019-02-15
Location : New Jersey


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