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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by Lenny53 12/11/2020, 1:24 pm

I just purchased Pardini GT45 and need ammo for it. I have Dillon 750 and ton of 185gr swagged led hollow point from zero. I am using Bullseye powder or VihtaVuori (N310).I am shooting in NRA tournaments and need a match quality ammo. My Pardini SP New (22) shoots x ring in timed fire (25 yards). I am using Eley for 22 and need a good accuracy ammo for 45ACP. Thanks.

Thanks everybody for your help. I will try all these loads and will let you know my results. Thanks, Guys!

Last edited by Lenny53 on 12/14/2020, 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by Schaumannk 12/11/2020, 4:21 pm

My advice would be, call Pardini and ask.   The 185g LHP is a good bullet for a 1911 with a Kart Barrel, and 4.0 to 4.2 g of VV310 should be ok as a starting load.but there isn’t loads and loads of data for the Pardini as there is for the 1911.  Almost all guns shoot best with jacketed ammo, but a good swaged lead bucket is quite often accurate enough.  Happy experimenting.


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by SingleActionAndrew 12/11/2020, 10:09 pm

Mine (6" GT45-II) with an ultradot on top likes 4.3gn of VV N310 on WLP behind a jacketed 185gr, COL ~1.235. But I bought mine used and the feed lips on my 6 mags were already expanded to help feed JHPs

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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by noylj 12/12/2020, 2:51 am

Sorry, but isn’t it just a .45 Auto chamber? Seems it needs special loads as much as any 1911–unless it really is a non-standard chamber. Just curious what makes it need something special?
Why not just start with old time bullseye pet loads, find the COL that works, and go from there?


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by Lenny53 12/12/2020, 6:19 am

noylj wrote:Sorry, but isn’t it just a .45 Auto chamber? Seems it needs special loads as much as any 1911–unless it really is a non-standard chamber. Just curious what makes it need something special?
Why not just start with old time bullseye pet loads, find the COL that works, and go from there?
I used my previous loads (Zero, 185 gr lead HP with 4.3gr of Bullseye) and I am having difficulty even keep it in black.


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by CR10X 12/12/2020, 7:17 am

Glen Shelton reported to me that he understood the diameter of the GT45 barrel was slightly smaller (closer to .450) versus nominal (.451) and he had trouble with lead bullets which are typically .452.  Jacketed bullets worked well for him.

You might try going .451 for lead (0.001 over) or coated lead bullets and see what happens.


Last edited by CR10X on 12/12/2020, 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by willnewton 12/12/2020, 7:20 am

Here you go.  These are not lead loads though. Some folks shoot lead, but most folks I have heard of shoot JHP in their GT45 for the best accuracy.  Mine also did not like lead at distance.

This is a target load that is a clone of ASYM target ammo.  I have tested and chronographed it and it is what I shoot for the long line in my 6” scoped GT45.  This is not a heavy load to shoot at the 50. I make these one at a time and check my measurements often.

185gn JHP bullet (Nosler or Zero)
4.2gn VVn310
COAL 1.21”
Crimp .469
CCI Lg pistol primer

Here is a softer JHP load that is my favorite load that I shoot in everything (Thanks Bob Marvel!). I also use this for the short line in the GT45.  I have pretty much given up lead bullets in .45 after shooting this.  I crank these out pretty quickly.  I am not as fussy with this as I am the 50-yd load.

185gn JHP
3.8gn Bullseye
COAL 1.220
Crimp .469
CCI Lg pistol primer

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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by CR10X 12/12/2020, 9:20 am


If you substitute the CCI primer with WLP primer (which is standard and mag) in the VV310 load you might find the loads get even better and don't exhibit as much or any temperature variation.


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by ASchlem 12/12/2020, 11:36 am

My GT45 shot the same n310 185jph load everyone's recommending. Also 4.1 gn of WST under 160swc, this shot almost as good. I used the 160's across-the-board. .


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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by Oleg G 12/12/2020, 1:46 pm

Will, thanks a lot for the ASYM clone load - I bit the bullet (almost literally) and bought some ASYM ammo, which shoots great in GT45, but I don't want to pay ASYM prices ever again Smile
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Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45 Empty Re: Zero Bullets Loads for Pardini GT45

Post by willnewton 12/12/2020, 5:54 pm

Oleg G wrote:Will, thanks a lot for the ASYM clone load - I bit the bullet (almost literally) and bought some ASYM ammo, which shoots great in GT45, but I don't want to pay ASYM prices ever again Smile

I spent a bit of time shooting ASYM across the chrono and then working out the clone to match AVG FPS and STD Dev.  You need to watch that crimp and COAL to keep the consistency up with the ASYM.  My testing was done over 3-4 sessions in the same indoor setting and lighting for chrono.  So my final FPS numbers may not match anyone else’s, but they match the ASYM I shot at the same sessions.  

If you are one of the crazies that like to add another digit of precision, then make your ASYM clone Crimp .4685 and COAL 1.208 and I used once fired Starline brass.

I have never Ransom tested this ASYM clone load in my GT45, but feel it shoots better than I do.  Now I know it is my fault vs. the LSWC loads that kept me wondering, “Did I really shoot that?”.  

I have RR’d the ASYM clone and the lighter Bullseye load in my two of my target 1911s and they will group 1.5-1.25” at 50.  

@Cecil, I will look into the WLP primers for next time.

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