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Case gauge for 38sp

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Case gauge for 38sp Empty Case gauge for 38sp

Post by Trigger71 1/25/2021, 4:52 pm

Since it's a rimmed cartridge, do I need a case gauge for a 38?  Perhaps instead, just the "ammo checker" gauge?

Also, I shoot regular and W/C 38 from a .357 cylinder, and load 357 once in a while.  In that case, if I purchased the 357 gauge, I would think again , being rimmed, that the 38 would still work.   or...by both?  For my other ammo I've been happy with the tri-level Shooter's Box gauges.


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Age : 48

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Case gauge for 38sp Empty Re: Case gauge for 38sp

Post by bruce martindale 1/25/2021, 6:01 pm

I never had, or used one for revolver. Either they fit, or the don't. Your cylinder is the gauge. Check a few when you start reloading and you're good. The brass is never too long

bruce martindale

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Case gauge for 38sp Empty Re: Case gauge for 38sp

Post by Trigger71 1/25/2021, 10:11 pm

bruce martindale wrote: The brass is never too long
If the brass was longer, would this not affect the crimp?

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Join date : 2017-01-03
Age : 48

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Case gauge for 38sp Empty Re: Case gauge for 38sp

Post by cdrt 1/26/2021, 8:34 am

Pistol brass does not tend to "grow" like rifle brass, which always needs trimming after firing. I've never trimmed a pistol case in over 40 years of reloading. Having said that, if you taper, rather than roll crimp, that solves the "problem".

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