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Next Gen sear Spring EGW

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Next Gen sear Spring EGW Empty Next Gen sear Spring EGW

Post by rich.tullo Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:45 pm

Ok so sear on my RO started to go, I think I was using a Harrilson Design Sear and Disco and Always thought the ears on the Disco were a little short. 

Ordered an Extreme Engineering Light Weight Sear and Match Disco. 1) Out of the box running the old Harrilson Hammer the trigger is very good. I will do a role trigger job but it is really good and does not need a trigger job. 2) The trigger is now safe down to under #3 as compared to a trigger that needed to #4 lately. 

While I was at it I changed the sear spring , I figure I had about 5000 rounds on the old trigger. I ordered an EGW Sear , wow I may not keep it in the gun because I kind of like a #4 trigger on a 1911 and I cannot get it up to #4 but for a Wad gun you have to get this sear spring. It does not hit the the frame like every other  sear spring does and it hits the disco perfectly. 

If you are running a conversion at 2.2 you have to get this sear no doubt about it. It is not as adjustable as a colt style sear but for an ultra light trigger it is the best game in town.

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Join date : 2015-03-27

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