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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Allen Barnett
Ed Hall
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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Tim:H11 3/7/2021, 7:49 am

Does anyone here shoot 22 with a scope instead of a red dot? I’m curious. I have heard of people doing this before but very seldom. 

I finished some work on my Nelson/dedicated lower and I’d like to test fire it for function and feel but I’m short on optics at the moment. I do however have this 2X pistol scope I bought from someone on this forum. I primarily use the scope for sandbagging and testing loads so it doesn’t sit on top of any particular gun as a permanent residence. So I’ll be trying to shoot a few strings or NMC’s with this instead of a red dot very soon and I was wondering who all out there does this on a regular basis? Thoughts? Likes dislikes? 


Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  D200e810

Last edited by Tim:H11 on 3/7/2021, 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Dcforman 3/7/2021, 7:56 am

I'd imagine that your trigger control needs to be VERY good to use a 2x scope. Have a feeling you'll be just fine Very Happy Curious to see your results.



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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by CR10X 3/7/2021, 8:03 am

I've "shouted" Shocked with both scopes and red dots.  Never seemed to do any good. Bullets kept on going where I pointed and not where I wanted no matter what I said.

Aww, come on, you edited it too fast........

But yes, I've actually shot with both.  I use red dots for competition and used scopes in the past for longer range precision pistol shooting where I can use a rest.


Last edited by CR10X on 3/7/2021, 8:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Tim:H11 3/7/2021, 8:09 am

CR10X wrote:I've "shouted" Shocked with both scopes and red dots.  Never seemed to do any good. Bullets kept on going where I pointed and not where I wanted no matter what I said.

But yes, I've actually shot with both.  I use red dots for competition and scopes for longer range precision pistol shooting where I can use a rest.

😂 dang typos! Thanks. I need to get another optic for this one eventually. I stole the Ultradot off of it for me Xesse. I have an Aimpoint on my 45, and another Ultradot on my 52 but that’s it. I’m low on optics lol

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Ed Hall 3/7/2021, 8:10 am

(Darn, CR beat me to it. . .)

I had great results with a cross hair scope on my Hammerli - lots of 100-8x sustained fire targets.  UNTIL, I tried to pick up those last two X's.  After that I became too critical and couldn't even get many 100s with it any more.

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by CR10X 3/7/2021, 8:13 am

For unsupported Precision Pistol / Bullseye, there were a few people that could consistently use as much as a 2 X scope, but not very many. (I seem to remember Doc Young may have been one and Gil Hebard? Somebody may know for sure. But that was back in the red dot development days I think?)  Red dot is generally the best option for me.  I think I've still got a one or two 1X or 2X scopes somewhere in the basement.  



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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Finto66 3/7/2021, 8:32 am

Hi Guys!  New to this forum.  This scope question has my attention.  I've been using Leupold 2X scopes on my M41 and Gold Cup (Slide mounted) since the early 80s. Duplex for years, but recently found 2 of the same scopes that had been modified by installing 8 minute dots in them.  I like them better.  A dot needing no batteries.  The black dot covers about 50% of the target black at either distance (50ft, 25yd & 50yd), and in some types of light, disappears in the black.  When the dot is in the black, squeeze the shot off.  Guaranteed to be at least a 10 as long as you don't get "twitchy" on the trigger.  Heavier than most red dots, but you get used to it.  I'm no Master or HM, just an EX.  But this has worked for me.  Ultra-reliable.  I tried red dots for about 18 months, but was glad I had not gotten rid of the Leupolds.


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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by shooter1450 3/7/2021, 8:36 am

That scope looks good on your Nelson. I only ever had it on revolvers. I have two 1X’s available if you ever want to try one. Have a great upcoming outdoor season.


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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Allen Barnett 3/7/2021, 9:55 am

I have a shooting friend that has 2 "OLD" Leupold 1X scopes that he shoots with.  They both have a cross hair with an 8 inch (MOA) black dot.  He is quite satisified with them.  The dot basically covers the bull at 50 yds, 25 yds and 50 ft, leaving just a small halo of the bull.  The only handicap I see with them is they are heavy, more than I care to handle.

Last edited by Allen Barnett on 3/7/2021, 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : dot size)

Allen Barnett

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by SteveT 3/7/2021, 12:05 pm

Tried a 2x Leupold. Didn't work. Usually shot worse scores. A dot is easier to center than cross-hairs and magnification increases apparent wobble so it's harder to pull the trigger.

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by LenV 3/7/2021, 11:13 pm

Tim:H11 wrote:
CR10X wrote:I've "shouted" Shocked with both scopes and red dots.  Never seemed to do any good. Bullets kept on going where I pointed and not where I wanted no matter what I said.

But yes, I've actually shot with both.  I use red dots for competition and scopes for longer range precision pistol shooting where I can use a rest.

😂 dang typos! Thanks. I need to get another optic for this one eventually. I stole the Ultradot off of it for me Xesse. I have an Aimpoint on my 45, and another Ultradot on my 52 but that’s it. I’m low on optics lol
I have a VERY similar problem. Just in reverse of course. Shocked
Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  20190130

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Jon Eulette 3/8/2021, 12:01 am

I started out with Gil Hebard 1x scopes on my 22 & 45; 1990. I switched to Tasco Pro Point II red dots. Then to Ultra Dot many years later and now Aimpoints; H1, ACO and 9000. I again tried the 1x Hebard and found that red dots were much easier to shoot with.; much easier.
Doc did use 2x Leupold on his pistols. In my opinion his hold was just so so, but damn he could kill the 10 ring with those 2x scopes. Obviously had great trigger control.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by Axehandle 3/8/2021, 6:24 am

Burris made 1X and 2X scopes for Gil Hebard.  Hebard's name is on the eyepiece.  Big dot and very fine cross hairs  The dot is sized such that held inside the black at 50 yards all shots should be 10x and Xs.  Joe Chambers mounted one on the slide for me in the mid 80s.  All Guard Team member Butch Powell shot 2650 with one mounted on the slide.  When he went red dot he shot 2670.  The 1x actually provides a reduced size target image.  I  like the 2X on steady days and the 1X on the wobbly ones.  Never had one fail..  Currently run a pair of 22s and a pair of 45s.  One of each with a 2X Burris, one of each with a 9000SC.


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Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?  Empty Re: Do you shoot with a Scope instead of a Red Dot?

Post by nikonjockey 3/8/2021, 7:04 am

I shot with Burris black dot scopes for years, and did well with them. I had a 2x on a Hämmerli 208s and a 1x on a Colt wadgun with a frame mount. The Burris scopes are very sharp, large, heavy, and have black dot reticles. I didn't mind the weight, and a black dot's movement seems much less frenetic than a bright red dot bouncing around on the target. After a few years I went back to the electronic sights because, though the scopes were terrific in reasonable lighting conditions, in stormy weather and especially in poorly lighted indoor ranges, those black dots are very difficult to see against the target's black bull. Not long ago, I mounted the 2x on the Hämmerli and fired a few shots. I realized immediately that I am no longer a 2x kind of guy.

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