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45 ACP Revolver

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45 ACP Revolver Empty 45 ACP Revolver

Post by Dcforman 5/30/2021, 6:06 pm

Wanting to eventually shoot a revolver across the course for fun. Most likely with red dots. Can I get some feedback on the comparison between a 25-2 and an early 625? Seems like a 625-4 would be my best bet, as it came drilled and tapped, but before MIM parts appeared. Of course, I suppose I could have a Smith drill and tap a 25-2 as well. So which should I go with? Any particular years to look for?



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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by LenV 5/30/2021, 7:07 pm

25-2 Model of 1955. 45 ACP Revolver 20180929

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by fc60 5/30/2021, 7:09 pm


There is an advantage to the stainless 625. It is easy to clean. I strip mine down and clean the parts in an UltraSonic bath.

It may take up to 2-3 hours to fully remove the fouling. Areas such as the front of the cylinder and the small crevice between the rear of the barrel and the top strap. The UltraSonic also does a good job of breaking down any Lead fouling in the forcing cone.

Yes, the 625-4 would be my choice. I believe the -4 models still had broach cut rifling. A friend has a 625-6 and it has the EDM rifling. Tests in the Random Rest tend to favor the -4 with cut rifling.

Also, the 625 models tend to have 0.453" cylinder throats and 0.4515" groove diameter barrels (cut rifled only). The 25-2 cylinder throats can be all over from 0.453" to 0.456"+.

My 625-4 easily holds the ten ring at 50 yards with twelve shot groups. I used the H&G 68, H&G S242, and H&G 78. With Remington commercial from the '60's inside the ten ring as well at 50 yards.



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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by orpheoet 5/30/2021, 7:43 pm

I have a 25-2 that several people tried to make Bullseye worthy. None succeeded….. probably due to the oversized throats. I also have a Model of 1988 625-2 that does pretty well.

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by kjanracing 5/30/2021, 9:24 pm

Yeah, go with the 625. My 25-2 wouldn’t group with the swc 1911 rounds. Hardball was “ok”...

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by Bmitch996 5/31/2021, 2:51 pm

I've got a 25-2  a 625-2 and a 625-6. love them all but shoot the 625-2 the most.  The stainless 625's  are easier to clean.


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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by Multiracer 5/31/2021, 6:53 pm

+1 s/s 625


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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by Wobbley 5/31/2021, 11:56 pm

My 25-2 seems to shoot ok.  Shot at 25 yards indoor range iron sights.

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by LenV 6/1/2021, 12:07 am

If you are truly after the most accurate 45 revolver made by S&W then go to a 460XVR. If you want beautiful then go with a 25-2 (mine will hold 10 ring at 50yds). I am not sure about ss being easier to clean. But those that have both say they are.

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by Jack H 6/1/2021, 12:32 am

This is a very early 1955 Model.  Pre 25-2.
Grip by Fung.  Trigger by me. 
Target is offhand with 200gr Hornady JSWC
45 ACP Revolver SW-45-AR-SFgroup
Jack H
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45 ACP Revolver Empty JM 625 ?

Post by Russ OR 6/1/2021, 1:00 pm

I have a 4" JM 625 that shoots fairly well. Sig Romeo 5 on it. -- 4.0g BE / lead 180g FBSWCs from a padded rest: 6 shots@50 yards-2-5/8" C-C,-using all 6 chambers (only did the one group). --- 25yards: 1st 6 shot group, loose but centered, all would be Xs-barely. -- 2nd 25 yard 6 shot group (Brazos 180g FBSWCs this time)=1 hole that would almost, not quite, fit inside the X-ring.

I like the revolver. One person said he got terrible accuracy from one of these. - maybe I got lucky.
My rube chamber throat test: All 6 chambers the same: a .451 jacketed bullet would pass thru w/ no, or very slight, pressure. - -- A .452" lead SWC would not pass thru w/o real pressure and a fair amount of tapping with a dowel.

The EDM? rifling seems to clean fairly easily-especially using using "Big 45 frontier metal cleaner" wrapped around a brass brush.

2¢ - YMMV - ,   Russ

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by bruce martindale 6/1/2021, 5:42 pm

What did you load Dave?

Babe Magnan used heavy loads, l used to have a link to an article on him.

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

Post by fc60 6/1/2021, 5:57 pm


Images of test targets...

45 ACP Revolver 625-1-26
45 ACP Revolver 625-1-27
45 ACP Revolver 625-1-2845 ACP Revolver 625-2-19
45 ACP Revolver 625-2-20

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45 ACP Revolver Empty Re: 45 ACP Revolver

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