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Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA

Oleg G
james r chapman
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Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA - Page 3 Empty Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA

Post by mikemyers 6/25/2021, 10:50 am

First topic message reminder :

I don't think this is possible, but I will ask anyway.

I belong to the Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club - https://www.hrpclub.info

Long ago, the club used to host full 2700 matches, but apparently as time has gone by, shooters lost interest.  We still have bullseye matches once a month, but they are separated into two groups, the real "bullseye" group shooting at 50 and 25 yards one-handed, and the other group shooting at 25 and 15 yards, two-handed shooting permissible.  Each group scores themselves separately.  Bullseye shooters can shoot any legal Bullseye gun - most shoot 22, and the match becomes a 900, not 2700.

The club belongs to the NRA, and the CMP.  

This leads me to my question - if the club were to take all the scoring information from the "bullseye group" and submit it to the appropriate place, would those of us participating in it be able to get "classified" as others do?

I thought this would have been impossible, because we might have three to five shooters.  But then I see results from other clubs, where sometimes there are just as few shooters.  Actually, if our club matches became "real" bullseye matches, maybe more shooters would attend.  Right now, perhaps 35 people sign up for our matches.

If this is a "dead end street", I'll forget about it.  If it's plausible, I'd like to submit it to the club to consider for the future.

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Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA - Page 3 Empty Re: Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA

Post by msmith44 7/12/2021, 2:15 pm

chopper wrote:
msmith44 wrote:
chopper wrote:I'm trying to figure out how this topic started and what they wanted. It seems Mike Meyers wants to have a sanctioned or approved NRA 2700. His club doesn't offer one, only 1 or 2 hand 900 matches which can't be sanctioned that their membership came up with. 
 My club doesn't offer any NRA matches either, only a thing called "300 League" indoors in the fall. They don't like NRA rules and shoot 2 handed, you don't want to know how they handle alibis. They can get 30-40 shooters that compete in "300" and they can shoot 22 and centerfire.
 There's 5 of us left that shoot in NRA postal league after the "300" gets done. We try very hard to get some of those "300" guys to join in our postal but the answer we always get is it's too hard. I think Mike should put out a newsletter to his club secretary and ask their membership who's interested in NRA matches and maybe put on a 2700 or maybe get a NRA Postal League started.
 As far as the latest post about shooting 2 handed in NRA sanctioned matches, they are just that "Probationary 2 handed" I think they are temporary to the competitor for like 6 months or a year. As far as msmith44 and others that want to shoot 2 handed at a 2700, I think it's only fair that you contact the MD at said match early and ask them about the 2 handed Probationary. I would think if they could accommodate you they would try or let you know what is required of you to attend and maybe tell you how to get paperwork straightened out to get your scores sent in to NRA. If you guys truly want to compete with other 2 handers then you'll probably have to organize something other than the NRA Probationary. 
 Don't sit back and say " why doesn't somebody do something". I like to say "if not you then who, if not now when". Grab that bull by the horns, you guys.
You "think" incorrectly. I don't believe I said I wanted to shoot a 2700. I visited a 2700 last weekend to see if 2-handed shooting was an option under Section 24. Section 24 is a Probationary MATCH according to the title. It is poorly drafted with an incorrect target listed and I can find no record of it ever being offered in a sanctioned event. I'm still researching. There is no reason why a Section 24 Match can't be offered as a stand alone event and be sanctioned, perhaps someone can provide a reason but Cecil who seems to be an expert in these matters agrees. The paperwork would be handled in exactly the same way as the rules provide. What makes you think I'm the kind of person who sits back and expects someone else to solve the problem. I don't see you as a much of a "Change Agent" in your club.
 msmith44, so do you want to shoot a 2700, yes or no?
Section 5.5 doesn't allow me to shoot a 2700 or anything other than a Section 24 event. What I want is moot so long as there isn't a 2700 event. I don't make decisions on hypotheticals.


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Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA - Page 3 Empty Re: Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA

Post by chopper 7/12/2021, 4:32 pm

You "think" incorrectly. I don't believe I said I wanted to shoot a 2700. I visited a 2700 last weekend to see if 2-handed shooting was an option under Section 24. Section 24 is a Probationary MATCH according to the title. It is poorly drafted with an incorrect target listed and I can find no record of it ever being offered in a sanctioned event. I'm still researching. There is no reason why a Section 24 Match can't be offered as a stand alone event and be sanctioned, perhaps someone can provide a reason but Cecil who seems to be an expert in these matters agrees. The paperwork would be handled in exactly the same way as the rules provide. What makes you think I'm the kind of person who sits back and expects someone else to solve the problem. I don't see you as a much of a "Change Agent" in your club.

 msmith44, so do you want to shoot a 2700, yes or no?
 "Section 5.5 doesn't allow me to shoot a 2700 or anything other than a Section 24 event. What I want is moot so long as there isn't a 2700 event. I don't make decisions on hypotheticals."
smith44, I wouldn't say I think incorrectly just differently than you or some others, but thanks for the bashing anyway. To me it seems you want a Section 24 Match to shoot that is a stand alone NRA sanctioned match as you say. There is no reason why those matches can't be offered with a little organizing by the people who want them. This is a great forum to ask the membership if they would like to help in this effort. Some day I'll have a hard time holding with 1 hand and will have to compete differently myself. 
 With only 5 one handed shooters left in our club, and just 2 of us actively shooting year round I have to travel a minimum of 210 miles to compete in Bullseye match and about the same for 10 meter, free, standard, or center-fire matches. If we can't get any of our members to shoot Bullseye, why would we want to get sanctioned matches. 
 I have organized outdoor "600" matches for anyone to attend at our club and had 14 shooters like it. Then the our RO who's pro action shooting changed that range making it all but impossible to shoot 25 yards. We'll figure something out to get started again. Last year sucked, so I joined www.netcompetitor.com and still had much fun without traveling.


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Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA - Page 3 Empty Re: Expanding Bullseye Matches to more of the USA

Post by MarkF45 9/30/2021, 12:40 pm

To the OP:
Please ignore all the ridiculous bickering over arcane rules in this thread.

You can run a sanctioned match at your club if you want to. But what would that gain you, over what you have now? A classification card (if the NRA is still doing that).

If you really want to experience Precision Pistol, go to an already established match and shoot it. Or shoot part of it.

There are matches is Clearwater, Molino, and Jacksonville. JAX will hold the FL Precision Pistol State Championship on Oct 16-17. I highly recommend that match, if you can make it. I'm going (I live in Savannah, GA).

Some people are lucky enough to live near an existing match. The rest of us have to drive.


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Join date : 2015-12-23
Location : Savannah, GA

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