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Beretta 92 front sight size?

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Beretta 92 front sight size? Empty Beretta 92 front sight size?

Post by javaduke 8/23/2021, 12:00 pm

Folks, does anyone have a Beretta 92 with the Kensight Bomar rear sight (this one: https://stores.kensight.com/beretta-92-adjustable-kensight-rear-sight-with-rounded-blade/)
If yes, can you please measure the height of the front sight? I'm trying to figure out the optimal height of the sight, currently I have it at .391" and I have a feeling it's too high. 
I tried the Dawson calculator, but I'm not sure if I remember the POI distance correctly, so my math can be way off.


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Beretta 92 front sight size? Empty Re: Beretta 92 front sight size?

Post by Toz35m 8/23/2021, 6:00 pm

If your rear site has lots of clicks in both directions for the site picture you are using does it matter?

I think you would have a problem if you only have only a few click to top or bottom of the range of the rear sights adjustment range.

Now if you want the ability to change from sub 6 to center hold or the other way around and one of those does not work then you should change the height of the front site.

I have a different rear site so my measurement will not help you.

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Beretta 92 front sight size? Empty Re: Beretta 92 front sight size?

Post by javaduke 8/23/2021, 6:13 pm

That's the thing, I'm making a new front sight from scratch and need to decide on how tall should it be, so that my rear sight has enough clicks up and down should I choose to switch from center hold to sub-6 and back.


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Beretta 92 front sight size? Empty Re: Beretta 92 front sight size?

Post by kc.crawford.7 8/24/2021, 7:50 am

On the build instructions I use total height from bottom of slide to top of front sight is 1.8.  I don't have a Beretta on hand to measure just the front sight.

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Beretta 92 front sight size? Empty Re: Beretta 92 front sight size?

Post by Toz35m 8/24/2021, 10:58 am

Here is what I would do.  Site your pistol in for both center and sub 6.  Then check to see if you have enough clicks above or below.  If you do then your current site height is correct for your set up.  If not then make an adjustment.

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