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SW M41 mag cleaning

Chase Turner
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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by xman Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:09 pm

I am one of those M41 shooters that oils the tips of 1st rounds with oil. Why is not the topic of this post. Magazine cleaning is. 

Any tips for M41 mag cleaning out the powder, oil etc.

I have threaded a shotgun patch through the eyelet of a cleaning tip, put on my pistol rod and slid the dry patch with the follower maxed out down the mag opening. This does not get under the follower of course where oil, etc can accumulate.

Other than disassembling the mags, are there another methods in use?

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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by Chase Turner Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:19 pm

If you have access to an ultrasonic cleaner, you could dump the whole thing in and clean it that way.

I usually use a bent pipe cleaner to swab the inside bottom. You can fold it in all sorts of shapes, and it will fit, unlike a q-tip; unless you use those cheap, not as large a cotton head q-tip (maybe dollar store find) which I have used with ok results in the past.

Chase Turner

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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by Soupy44 Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:09 pm

I just wipe them down after each match.  Other than that I completely disassemble twice a year and run some plastic brushes through them.  Probably could get away with once a year.


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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by xman Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:19 pm

Chase Turner wrote:If you have access to an ultrasonic cleaner, you could dump the whole thing in and clean it that way.

I usually use a bent pipe cleaner to swab the inside bottom. You can fold it in all sorts of shapes, and it will fit, unlike a q-tip; unless you use those cheap, not as large a cotton head q-tip (maybe dollar store find) which I have used with ok results in the past.
Ultra sonic cleaner is a good idea. Can clean other parts too. Slide/bolt. The cleaners say use water. I have some canned air to blow out the water to assist drying.

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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by bruce martindale Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:16 pm

I take mine apart once in a while. They do get gritty inside. It's not that hard to do. To reassemble, l put a nail or small screwdriver in the coils and pull them up into the body while l reinstall the base.

bruce martindale

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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by xman Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:55 pm

After consulting various sources as this board, TargetTalk, Rimfire Central, S&W Forum and You Tube, I am going to have to go the ultrasonic cleaning route.

The mags have no pins, detents, divoits on the bottom of the mags. Only the stamped S&W on the bottom.

The sides of the mags have on each side do have 2 stamped/pressed recessed points.

I have 4 mags, one came with the M41 (used via GB). I bought 3 more via Ebay in individual S&W sealed packages. All the mags are the same.

I can use the ultrasonic cleaner for other pistol parts ... such as slide with bolt, and other various gun parts. My AR bolt assembly is in a real need of a full treatment as I prepare to liquidate it after one more shoot this winter.

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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by pgg Wed Sep 22, 2021 6:46 pm

I do the drop of oil thing also.

I have 6 magazines in the rotation for the M41 and taking them apart is a lot of effort. This is how I clean them -
1) Blast them out with brake cleaner while moving the follower with my finger. This gets oil and dirt out.
2) Use compressed air to make sure they're completely dry. Brake cleaner evaporates fast anyway but I'm inpatient. Have things to do, you know.
3) Blast them out with LPS 2 as a rust protectant and light lubricant.
4) Use compressed air to gently blow out excess. Dry outside with a towel.

LPS 2 is this stuff: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N3JM4IH/

It says "heavy duty lubricant" but it's actually pretty light and thin. Not greasy at all. I live in a swamp, and mostly use it as a rust protectant on tools. Works great for that. Also good for spraying on guns.


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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by hg401 Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:49 pm

pgg wrote:I do the drop of oil thing also.

I have 6 magazines in the rotation for the M41 and taking them apart is a lot of effort. This is how I clean them -
1) Blast them out with brake cleaner while moving the follower with my finger. This gets oil and dirt out.
2) Use compressed air to make sure they're completely dry. Brake cleaner evaporates fast anyway but I'm inpatient. Have things to do, you know.
3) Blast them out with LPS 2 as a rust protectant and light lubricant.
4) Use compressed air to gently blow out excess. Dry outside with a towel.

LPS 2 is this stuff: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N3JM4IH/

It says "heavy duty lubricant" but it's actually pretty light and thin. Not greasy at all. I live in a swamp, and mostly use it as a rust protectant on tools. Works great for that. Also good for spraying on guns.

It there are plastic parts, non-chlorinated brake cleaner is preferable.


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SW M41 mag cleaning Empty Re: SW M41 mag cleaning

Post by pgg Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:17 pm

hg401 wrote:
pgg wrote:I do the drop of oil thing also.

I have 6 magazines in the rotation for the M41 and taking them apart is a lot of effort. This is how I clean them -
1) Blast them out with brake cleaner while moving the follower with my finger. This gets oil and dirt out.
2) Use compressed air to make sure they're completely dry. Brake cleaner evaporates fast anyway but I'm inpatient. Have things to do, you know.
3) Blast them out with LPS 2 as a rust protectant and light lubricant.
4) Use compressed air to gently blow out excess. Dry outside with a towel.

LPS 2 is this stuff: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N3JM4IH/

It says "heavy duty lubricant" but it's actually pretty light and thin. Not greasy at all. I live in a swamp, and mostly use it as a rust protectant on tools. Works great for that. Also good for spraying on guns.

It there are plastic parts, non-chlorinated brake cleaner is preferable.

That's the stuff. Brakleen green can.


Posts : 198
Join date : 2015-11-21

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