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45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5

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45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5 Empty 45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5

Post by jrcook06e Fri 11 Feb - 7:18

Does anyone use accurate no. 5 in their 45 wad gun loads? I normally shoot zero 185 SWC with 3.8 gr of BE. I’m running out of BE powder and cannot find it. I have an 8lb jug of AA no. 5 laying around and was hoping to find a similar load so I can keep practicing. 
Thank you for any advice


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45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5 Empty Re: 45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5

Post by Dcforman Fri 11 Feb - 8:49

I have used No. 5 in the past for both jacketed and lead loads. I can't attest to accuracy, although Nosler lists No. 5 as the most accurate powder for their 185 jhp. Accurate listed a starting load for a 185 coated swc as 8.1, but this was way higher than I started (listed at 900 fps). I can't remember my exact loads, but it was well below that. I want to say I ended up in the 6.0 grain range, maybe a little lower, but you need to do your own development here. Be safe. One shot at a time and verify target hits if going this low.



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45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5 Empty Re: 45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5

Post by Slamfire Sun 13 Feb - 8:03

I only developed full power loads with a 185 JHP, which was 9.5 grs just under 1000 fps in a 5 inch barreled 1911. Accurate Arms #5 was originally a military powder for the 45 ACP, if memory is correct, and I do not think it will perform well in reduced loads.

Accurate Arms makes faster powders, but they don't show any loading data appropriate for 50 yard Bullseye pistol.



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45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5 Empty Re: 45 ACP 185 SWC with accurate No. 5

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