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CFE Pistol

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CFE Pistol Empty CFE Pistol

Post by LenV 4/8/2022, 1:25 pm

CFE Pistol Screen19
I got my  two pounds.

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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by dieselguy624 4/8/2022, 7:58 pm

Len, Are you using CFE Pistol for bullseye loads? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by LenV 4/8/2022, 8:08 pm

Neat powder for 38 Super and 9mm. I have a lot of it now and not much power pistol. I need a little more speed in my 952-2 (18.75:1)

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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by Wobbley 4/9/2022, 11:33 am

I’ve used CFEPistol for loading 9mm training ammo.  It’s accurate enough but it’s dirty at the loads I was using: 5.3 gr under a 115 grain plated.  I talked to a Hodgdon tech abut the dirtiness and it’s a by product of the “CFE” additive.  After 500 rounds my CZ75 liked like it came from a coal mine!

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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by brassmaster 4/9/2022, 5:01 pm

Wobbley wrote:I’ve used CFEPistol for loading 9mm training ammo.  It’s accurate enough but it’s dirty at the loads I was using: 5.3 gr under a 115 grain plated.  I talked to a Hodgdon tech abut the dirtiness and it’s a by product of the “CFE” additive.  After 500 rounds my CZ75 liked like it came from a coal mine! 

Here is my experience with CFE Powder after several years of use. Shortly before his passing, Jim Clark, Jr. built my Colt .45 wad gun. When the pistol was returned, I was so impressed with the RR test target that I called Clark Custom Guns and asked if factory ammunition or reloads were used. They advised they do not give specific test data, but she pulled the file and told me the components used to test fire using a RR, which were Zero 185 JHP bullets, Winchester primers and CFE Pistol Powder.  As I recall, when I pressed her for the grains of CFE used she would only say it was somewhere between 7.0-7.5. So, fast trip to my local dealer and bought my first jug of CFE. I started at 7.5 and worked my way down, it took a few trips to the loading bench and range, but I arrived at the optimum of 7.2 grains of CFE which produced ≤ 2" - 10-shot group at 50 yards off a sandbag rest.
I understand your comment about it being a dirty powder Wobbley; however, I'll trade a dirty bore & action and some really dirty cleaning patches over the grueling task of removing copper from the bore and I have yet to find any residual copper in the bore or on cleaning patches using CFE. Coupled with less accuracy results with Bullseye and other powders, I'll take the "dirty" results of better accuracy 7 days a week.
Ps- and I know something about coal mines


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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by LenV 4/10/2022, 3:12 pm

After A day at the range using Bullseye . CFE Pistol 20180610
not the cleanest powder either

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CFE Pistol Empty Re: CFE Pistol

Post by rich.tullo 4/11/2022, 12:02 pm

brassmaster wrote:
Wobbley wrote:I’ve used CFEPistol for loading 9mm training ammo.  It’s accurate enough but it’s dirty at the loads I was using: 5.3 gr under a 115 grain plated.  I talked to a Hodgdon tech abut the dirtiness and it’s a by product of the “CFE” additive.  After 500 rounds my CZ75 liked like it came from a coal mine! 

Here is my experience with CFE Powder after several years of use. Shortly before his passing, Jim Clark, Jr. built my Colt .45 wad gun. When the pistol was returned, I was so impressed with the RR test target that I called Clark Custom Guns and asked if factory ammunition or reloads were used. They advised they do not give specific test data, but she pulled the file and told me the components used to test fire using a RR, which were Zero 185 JHP bullets, Winchester primers and CFE Pistol Powder.  As I recall, when I pressed her for the grains of CFE used she would only say it was somewhere between 7.0-7.5. So, fast trip to my local dealer and bought my first jug of CFE. I started at 7.5 and worked my way down, it took a few trips to the loading bench and range, but I arrived at the optimum of 7.2 grains of CFE which produced ≤ 2" - 10-shot group at 50 yards off a sandbag rest.
I understand your comment about it being a dirty powder Wobbley; however, I'll trade a dirty bore & action and some really dirty cleaning patches over the grueling task of removing copper from the bore and I have yet to find any residual copper in the bore or on cleaning patches using CFE. Coupled with less accuracy results with Bullseye and other powders, I'll take the "dirty" results of better accuracy 7 days a week.
Ps- and I know something about coal mines


Good to know thanks, OK for 9mm but is a little snappy as compared to W231 and I would say its not bad as far being dirty.

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