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SA Range Officer questions

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SA Range Officer questions - Page 2 Empty SA Range Officer questions

Post by NukeMMC 5/16/2022, 6:19 pm

First topic message reminder :

So I jumped at an opportunity on GB where a shop was selling a SA but didn't advertise it as a RO, just a 1911 with mods for $600.  I called SA and verified the serial as a RO.  It has old Colt medallion grips (already swapped) a Wilson lowered thumb safety, arched mainspring housing (already swapped) and a short, solid trigger without overtravel screw.  I picked it up today and it sure hasn't seen many rounds, like maybe a few hundred.  Not even the normal aw-shit mark behind the trigger from putting the slide stop back in.  Trigger has a great feel with a consistent break at 4# 4-6 ozs.  I did notice something that generates a question, though.

The slide has a different number stamped into the track under the extractor, but the frame's serial number is vibra-penciled into the disconnector track.  Slide-to-frame fit is excellent, so I am nothing but curious about this.  For those of you who have worked a RO or 20, is this something done at SA, or was this done when the trigger/MSH work was done by a gunsmith?

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SA Range Officer questions - Page 2 Empty Re: SA Range Officer questions

Post by NukeMMC 5/30/2022, 6:49 pm

rich.tullo wrote:Try 4.5 VN310
LOL .. take a closer look.  I was responding to the last time you told me that.  Thank you, though. SA Range Officer questions - Page 2 1f44d

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SA Range Officer questions - Page 2 Empty Re: SA Range Officer questions

Post by NukeMMC 6/4/2022, 11:35 am

NukeMMC wrote:So I jumped at an opportunity on GB where a shop was selling a SA but didn't advertise it as a RO, just a 1911 with mods for $600.  I called SA and verified the serial as a RO.  It has old Colt medallion grips (already swapped) a Wilson lowered thumb safety, arched mainspring housing (already swapped) and a short, solid trigger without overtravel screw.  I picked it up today and it sure hasn't seen many rounds, like maybe a few hundred.  Not even the normal aw-shit mark behind the trigger from putting the slide stop back in.  Trigger has a great feel with a consistent break at 4# 4-6 ozs.  I did notice something that generates a question, though.

The slide has a different number stamped into the track under the extractor, but the frame's serial number is vibra-penciled into the disconnector track.  Slide-to-frame fit is excellent, so I am nothing but curious about this.  For those of you who have worked a RO or 20, is this something done at SA, or was this done when the trigger/MSH work was done by a gunsmith?

Picked up another RO yesterday, this time in 9mm.  Sure enough this one also has a part # stamping with last 3 of the serial # in the same place.  A few strokes of 600g stone cleaned up the gritty feel.
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