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WST loads for 185 grain

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WST loads for 185 grain Empty WST loads for 185 grain

Post by faraim 5/18/2022, 7:17 am

Hello everyone, I usually load 200 grain LSWC bullets for 45ACP. However, I discovered a box of 185s that I'd forgotten about. Is anyone willing to share their experience loading WST for 185 JHP bullets for iron sighted 1911's? Also, if you had to reduce the recoil spring weight, what worked for you. Thanks.

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WST loads for 185 grain Empty Re: WST loads for 185 grain

Post by jglenn21 5/18/2022, 8:55 am

I run 4.4 of WST with my magnus 185 JHP. 4.2 - 4.4 for most folks

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WST loads for 185 grain Empty Re: WST loads for 185 grain

Post by dieselguy624 5/18/2022, 9:06 am

I'm using 4.7 WST with Zero 185 JHP for the long line.


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WST loads for 185 grain Empty Re: WST loads for 185 grain

Post by Allgoodhits 5/19/2022, 3:25 pm

.45 acp 180,185 and 200 gr LSWC either lubed or Hitek coated, I get good results with 3.9 - 4.0 gr WST

.45 acp 185 JHP I have run them as low as 4.1 and as high as 4.6 gr WST. I like the 4.3 - 4.5 gr WST

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WST loads for 185 grain Empty Re: WST loads for 185 grain

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