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Soft 230 ball ammo

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Soft 230 ball ammo Empty Soft 230 ball ammo

Post by RoyDean 5/22/2022, 12:48 am

I was surprised to learn today that the "CMP Games Rules 2022" for the As-Issued and Glock match require all 45 ammo to be 230 FMJ bullets. OK, my bad, should have read the applicable rules (I had wrongly assumed that Service Pistol 185JHP ammo would be OK). 

So, I have now got the guns, but no ammo!!!

Two questions:-

1. What is a good "soft" recipe with 230 bullets? I can fiddle with springs, etc., to make the gun cycle.

2. Recommendations on currently available 230FMJ bullets. 
I see that https://www.precisiondelta.com/products/45-cal-230gr-fmj/ seem to be relatively reasonable. OK?


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Soft 230 ball ammo Empty Re: Soft 230 ball ammo

Post by Jon Eulette 5/22/2022, 2:31 am

I use 3.8-4.0 BE with 230 jrn. Shoots on call at 50! Also use in my G30 on occasion.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Soft 230 ball ammo Empty Re: Soft 230 ball ammo

Post by Jack H 5/22/2022, 3:11 am

I have lots of 230 if you need some quick.
4.8 Titegroup, WLP, Sierra

4.9-5.2 N320 works great too.

These chronoed in the low 800s.  And were good for a few SF in the mid to high 90s
Jack H
Jack H

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