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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

john bickar
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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by Orion 10/7/2022, 8:06 pm

Where can I purchase something to use as a pistol rest? I've seen some shooters use this on the line - placing the pistol on an object while keeping the arm straight, rather than keeping the arm straight and relaxing the pistol onto the bench. Thanks.

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by chopper 10/7/2022, 8:42 pm

Any little box or a block of wood works. It also keeps your wrist straight and not bent, I started using one this year.


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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by SteveT 10/7/2022, 10:40 pm

I rolled a hand towel around a wood dowel which ended up about 2.5" diam. If the bench is low, I put it on an ammo box or two. I've seen some nice wooden blocks, but I don't recall seeing or hearing about something to buy.

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by john bickar 10/7/2022, 11:13 pm

Custom, bespoke, adjustable built-for-purpose pistol rest. Yours for only $12.95.
john bickar
john bickar

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by RoyDean 10/7/2022, 11:47 pm

Jeez, John, is whatever it is you are smoking tonight legal in CA?


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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by Jack H 10/8/2022, 12:12 am

I rest my arms across my box with the wrists at the front edge.  The height of this is up to you.  My wrists are free.  The gun held with a proper two hand grip.  I might bring it back a little to set the butt on top of the pistol box. 
This was done that way:
Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Ruger1a-Jan08  It works for me...
Jack H
Jack H

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by willnewton 10/8/2022, 6:21 am

RoyDean wrote:Jeez, John, is whatever it is you are smoking tonight legal in CA?

LOL!  I think John’s idea is pretty good.  I have a beanbag style rifle rest not quite as big as a lunch box, but it is still bulky and heavy.  Those guitar footrests are strong, but light and fold flat.  It would be perfect to slide into your shooting bag or box.

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by Orion 10/8/2022, 7:17 am

john bickar wrote:Custom, bespoke, adjustable built-for-purpose pistol rest. Yours for only $12.95.

Pedal board works! Its adjustable.. Good recommendation. Thanks.

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by oldsalt444 10/8/2022, 3:26 pm

RoyDean wrote:Jeez, John, is whatever it is you are smoking tonight legal in CA?

Anything like that is legal in Commiefornia; it's most guns that aren't. LOL! Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) 2309170423

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by john bickar 10/8/2022, 8:29 pm

RoyDean wrote:Jeez, John, is whatever it is you are smoking tonight legal in CA?

I’ve been huffing a lot of 452AA smoke lately. Legal, for now.
john bickar
john bickar

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Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line) Empty Re: Pistol Rest (on bench on firing line)

Post by dieselguy624 10/10/2022, 6:29 am

I cut a short piece of 6" dia. PVC pipe in half lengthwise and glued a piece of mouse pad or neoprene to it.  Works well and doesn't take up a lot of room in your box.


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