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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by Eindecker Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:37 pm

ON the other forum i was just a member of, i was reading that the MODERN smith and wesson barrels are a complete crap shoot for use with lead bullets. To the point of its a predictable 50/50 chance it WILL shoot lead ok. 

I have always hankered after a PPC gun but have always hit into the same issues.. 

Almost impossible to get a pre made one.. And getting one built on custom order is chasing a mouse fart in the wind.  The gun smiths that do PPC work only do very specific makes and models of revolvers..  

         ie PRE MIM smith and wesson K and L and N frames, a few ive seen will only do specific dash numbers.  And alot of those guns dont have replacement parts now. 

And if you CAN find their specific make of gun, the cost of the actual ppc rig, even the most basic one, is going to hit up to 1500$. MORE if the gunsmith provides the base gun.  

15 years ago i started the hunt for a 357 and almost ended up with a pinned and recessed 586. After talking with the guy for a week he admitted that when he bought it used, he didnt like the feel of the trigger so he took ALL the internal parts out for a DIY bubba action job..  and had never put them back in. Clarks Custom Guns said it would be 500$ to reassemble the gun provided ALL original parts were in in the box, and up to 1500$ if they had to custom make or order parts for it. 

  Sadly i couldnt do it.

Is it even worth looking at a used PPC or Smith and Wesson based on the following

1. collector prices for everything in good shape
2. high cost of repair and replacement parts
3. not all parts will be replaceable now based on dash model
4. PPC guns would be just about worn out and need complete internal rebuilds with minimal parts availability. 

Current cost of purchasing a new gun. If you don't want a snub nose your limited to a few models of GP100.  Or a few makes of Taurus, but none of the custom smiths will touch those. 
             I had had an idea of a taurus 82 or even the 357/9mm multi caliber getting a replacement barrel and aristocrat rib, and the 9mm cylinder rechambered


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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by james r chapman Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:41 pm

Should find used PPC guns based on Mod 10’s for around $5-600 easily
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by Eindecker Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:23 pm

james r chapman wrote:Should find used PPC guns based on Mod 10’s for around $5-600 easily
1 model 10-7 on gun broker for $950

guns international has police butchered model tens 5-600$.  

however, how do i get them turned back to da/sa


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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by Sc0 Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:15 pm

Contacted Aristocrat, Clarke, or Cylinder& Slide about having one made?  Mojo guns just announced he isn't going to build anymore ☹.

If just wanting a .357 capable shooter and not the full PPC treatment, just grab a 586 or 686, or a 27 and add a weight on the underlug.  The GP100 can also be made to shoot with a decent trigger.  I am slowly gathering tools and materials to build up a S&W model 10 into a Match revolver, jigs from Brownells, a rib from Aristocrat, and a Douglas barrel from Clarke.  J&Gsales still has the barrel-less used 10's for $250'ish, shot very little and handled a lot which makes them perfect for a build and the internals weren't mutilated.

To get it back to DA/SA involves trigger/hammer replacements.  I have a 64 which is a TDC turn-in and is DAO, probably has the smoothest DA out of my revolvers. (shooting DAO allows you to have a solid grip without a need to reposition, hence the need for a smooth DAO job)


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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by james r chapman Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:16 pm

If you’re going to shoot PPC, everything but 50yds has to be DA anyway.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by Eindecker Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:01 pm

I originally tried to get a p+r 586 10-12 years ago that had had the internals removed for a genuine DIY bubba action job, and had MOST of those parts in a zip lock baggy. 

Id forgotten about j&g sales.. completely forgotten about them. But i see they still have some of those model 10's without barrels that have gotten a few good reviews. 

      I still remember about 9 years ago they were selling fully assembled police trade in guns as "good to very good" and people were getting guns with cracked forcing cones, bulged barrels, and other things that made them into part guns only. 

My needs are somewhat variable. 
  * I have a 357 that can shoot all i want, and i am still in the workup of developing accurate wadcutter loads for it in magnum cases. For practice with meaning, and a double use cartridge that can drill through angry dogs. Or a surprise encounter with a raccoon or porcupine. 

What i want is a revolver, DA/SA that is chambered for 38special +p. 

*Id really want a cylinder as strong as the older sp101 that could use 110grain 357 magnum loads. But i want at least 6 shot cylinder.

Im 90% interested in wadcutter loads, HBWC till I use up what I have. And then DEWC if i can find one that comes out accurate on target.  Otherwise Id be using it with "duty" ammunition in 150-160 grain SWC and SWC-HP. And id be interested in trying out 180-200 grain slugs to duplicate the old super police loads


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Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit Empty Re: Revolvers, a dissapointment pursuit

Post by Allgoodhits Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:41 pm

I have a Bill Davis Custom PPC revolver with a Bill Davis Aristocrat Rib. That rib has the front sight elevator for 7, 25 50 yds. It is in very, very nice condition with adjustable trigger stop. I'm pretty sure it has one of the Apex barrels. The barrel is slab sided with underlug. It has only had lead wadcutters through it. I don't know what the round count is, but one of the last times I shot it, I shot a 1487 or 89 with it. That was over 20 years ago. Hasn't been shot in a long long time. Not sure if it is a M10,13, 14 or even 15. It is a blue gun, but my recall it has a SS hammer. Needed a hammer and SS was all I could find at the time. If interested PM me. 


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