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Blueing Aluminum Bronze

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Blueing Aluminum Bronze Empty Blueing Aluminum Bronze

Post by Froneck 11/21/2022, 4:24 pm

As everyone knows I make most of the 1911 trigger shoes and Pardini triggers from Aluminum Bronze a very strong copper alloy. However it will be a bright gold finish after buffing and will dull to a yellow color Brasso will bring back the Gold color if it's desired, being lazy I'm happy with the dull yellow on my guns. However the other day a shooter requested "Black" shoes for his 1911. Having seen the cold gun blue work on the Aluminum Bronze I told him I'll try cold blueing the shoes. I used Brownells Oxpho-Blue and got very good results but it took some time to get it near black.
 I washed the shoes in dish detergent, letting them sit over night in the solution, next day I rinsed well with hot water. Just before applying the blueing I again cleaned the shoes in Acetone.
 So anyone wanting dark blue/Black shoes or triggers can blue them.


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Blueing Aluminum Bronze Empty Re: Blueing Aluminum Bronze

Post by Pinetree 11/28/2022, 12:15 am

I've sent you a PM but no joy.. how much is a shoe plus shipping to PA?


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Blueing Aluminum Bronze Empty Re: Blueing Aluminum Bronze

Post by Froneck 11/28/2022, 12:35 am

replied to your post and assumed you wanted a shoe for the 1911. My e-mail is FSCO@pa.net


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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