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38 special mags for 1911

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38 special mags for  1911 Empty 38 special mags for 1911

Post by bullsi45 11/22/2022, 5:37 am

Looking for 38 special mags. or someone that can tune 38 super or 9mm mags to make them work. thanks for looking


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38 special mags for  1911 Empty Re: 38 special mags for 1911

Post by Dcforman 11/22/2022, 6:52 am

Triple K still produces them. I have had success with mine, but they required tuning.



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38 special mags for  1911 Empty Re: 38 special mags for 1911

Post by Rodger Barthlow 11/22/2022, 9:08 am

You would be better off finding some originals on E-Bay or Gun Broker.
I have thought about converting some 38 Super magazines and have recently acquired two original magazines off E-Bay and the original ones are not cheap but then buying a Metal Form 38 Super mag and paying someone to make it work for 38spl won't be either.
I have a post here about the three different style factory 1911 38spl magazines on this site, you may want to look at the pictures and then compare them to a 38Super magazine to see what kind of work needs to be done. The magazine follower is the key to making them work.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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38 special mags for  1911 Empty Re: 38 special mags for 1911

Post by Colt711 11/30/2022, 7:41 pm

bullsi45 wrote:Looking for 38 special mags. or someone that can tune 38 super or 9mm mags to make them work. thanks for looking
I aquired a 1911 45 mag modified for 38 spl supposedly by John Giles. It was not extremely reliable. Later I bought a Giles 38 w/ a 38 Super mag in it at a gun store. They had no idea what it was. I modified the mag using both the Giles 45 mag and a orig 38 spl as a pattern. It was the slickest and best working 38 mag I had. Easy to load which is a big plus in the 38 conversions. All was well until a 38 case blew out! I have never gotten it back to that great form.

A little patience, some luck and using a 38 spl mag might pay off. The only loss w/be 40 bucks or so and some time!!

Ron Habegger


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