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1911 .38 special magazines

Allen Barnett
Jon Eulette
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1911 .38 special magazines Empty 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by Jon Eulette 7/24/2016, 8:34 pm

I built another .38 special from scratch for a local shooter. Gorgeous pistol Smile
Triple K magazines Sad
Unbelievable how much they differ between the 3 magazines. Two came from Brownells and one from Clark Custom Guns. Yep Clark is using Triple K. Clark did a half assed job of relieving the mag body to clear the slidestop but it still hit. Also the mag sides were bent so the follower dragged. So in a nutshell to get a Triple K to work, you need to relieve front of mag to clear slidestop. The tab on the follower that pushes slidestop up needs to be shortened to not drag on side of mag body and not interfere prematurely with slidestop. Then feedlips need to be opened to 0.370ish. Top of feedlips need polished. Lots of trial and error. I have 1 out of 3 ready to test fire.
I've decided that I'm going to learn how to modify .38 super mags, they seem to work better.
Just thought I'd share how I spent my afternoon in the 100 degree weather Smile
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by Allen Barnett 7/24/2016, 8:40 pm

Yep!!! Come visit Missouri we hit 97 today but the humidity drove the heat index up to 110.  So like you I to spent the day inside, except I was helping my son finish off his basement.

Allen Barnett

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by LenV 7/24/2016, 9:09 pm

Got up to 70 here today, wind was a little gusty. Spent the morning on the range with new XDM and a couple of CC pistols. Gave up when the wind knocked my targets down for the third time. XDM lasted 8 rounds before the sight fell apart (fiber optic). I wasn't un-happy with the 8 shots. Came home to watch the girls kick butt (LPGA) and cleaned pistols. Now I am on here figuring out what I need for the XDM. If you switch to 38 super mags at least they are easy to find. We know why it blows so hard Southerly on the Oregon coast. It's because Kalifornia sucks. Smile

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by jglenn21 7/24/2016, 9:11 pm

nice to know they haven't fixed them in 30 years.... affraid

has anyone tried these yet ??


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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by jglenn21 7/24/2016, 9:14 pm

the old colt magazines are like gold these days

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by Jon Eulette 7/24/2016, 9:15 pm

Hadn't seen those uet. The Triple K uses a weird rod at the top of the spring against the follower. I might try machining it to alter the angle of feed.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Location : Southern Kalifornia

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by fc60 7/26/2016, 10:58 am


The "Rumor Mill" once stated that Colt sold the tooling for the 38 Gold Cup Magazines to High Standard in Texas.

I have two, that I "think", are Triple-K. Much improved over the original attempt. The two I got were too wide. I gentle nudge in my milling machine vise helped out.

Sadly, the ones I have cannot be fully taken apart. The button that guides the follower seems to be a large rivet.

However, once "tweaked", they are very reliable in my vintage 38 National Match.



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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by cdrt 7/26/2016, 11:02 am

Not a rumor, they did.  I got it from a HS rep back in 2007.  They do not list them on the website, so I don't know what happened...probably not enough demand.  You would have to call and see if they have any available.

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by jglenn21 7/26/2016, 11:22 am

I believe Alan Aronstein formally from HS is associated with interarmstx. possibly these mags are from the original tooling. might be worth a call..

you can find Alan quite often on the HS forum of Rimfirecentral.com

lots of bad rumors about the Texas HS company not doing any more 22 target guns...

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by Jon Eulette 7/26/2016, 11:45 am

These new Triple K mags sre very close to the original. Main difference is the top of mag spring has a steel rod with ball head that pushes against follower. I think it works like a coil spring guide rod. Tolerances vary considerably from mag to mag.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by SW-52 7/26/2016, 12:04 pm

triple k with wolff springs. i think the same of 52 magazines,are super high prices and scarce and dont have aftermarket sustitution Sad

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1911 .38 special magazines Empty Re: 1911 .38 special magazines

Post by cdrt 7/26/2016, 12:17 pm

jglenn21 wrote:I believe Alan Aronstein formally from HS is associated with interarmstx. possibly these mags are from the original tooling. might be worth a call..

you can find Alan quite often on the HS forum of Rimfirecentral.com

lots of bad rumors about the Texas HS company not doing any more 22 target guns...

Yep, that's the guy that told me HS had bought the tooling.  Worth giving him a call.

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Location : Amarillo, Texas

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