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Pardini threaded trigger stud conversion

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Pardini threaded trigger stud conversion Empty Pardini threaded trigger stud conversion

Post by Froneck 12/13/2022, 11:50 am

A bit ago I posted a request for anyone that wanted to have a conversion stud from Pardini USA traded for their threaded stud. I was taken up on the deal. However I got the stud and want to let anyone know that the conversion from Pardini USA is simply a smooth stud like on the newer Pardinis. So you will have a smooth stud that uses a set screw to lock the trigger in place on the side of the trigger that will allow up/down adjustment of the trigger. I'm not involved nor am I selling them so contact Pardini USA if interested. I might add the the shipping cost was quite high for such a small item. That stud will fit in a plastic bag the size of a Postage Stamp! If you buy one I would discuss getting it shipped a cheaper way!
 The old trigger will fit on the smooth stud because the tap drill size for 5mm thread is the same size as the stud diameter (4.2mm) but it will need a set screw put into the side of the trigger so that it can be locked in place.


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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