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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by Orion 1/2/2023, 5:04 pm

Was reading this article where the author benchmarks small and large primers for 45 ACP. Looks his accuracy varies across primer loads.

What are your thoughts on this benchmark? Has anyone seen differences in accuracy when using small vs large primers?

The sample is way too small..


Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Small_or_large_pistol_primer_45_acp_1

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by Wobbley 1/2/2023, 6:52 pm

Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark 38106610
Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark 707aa210
The picture with the gun was shot with large primers and 200 grain Brazos slow fire, the one without was shot with small primers and 180 grain Brazos at a timed fire pace.  The accuracy of these loads is near-as-dammit identical.  I keep the brass segregated for obvious reasons, but small or large primers are insignificant in accuracy.

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by S148 1/2/2023, 7:01 pm

I don't see any real difference in accuracy in the table in the article. Based on that data, I think the answer is: no difference. But there are more rigorous ways to test accuracy than what he did. Ransom Rest, and more shots fired.


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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by Ray Dash 1/2/2023, 7:23 pm

When using small primers I do see some extra unburnt powder, does anyone else notice this? Moving to magnum primers seems to help.
Ray Dash
Ray Dash

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by SteveT 1/3/2023, 8:14 am

In general ignore any accuracy claims / tests in the general gun media. Five shot groups are not enough to have confidence in the results and they don't use barrel fixtures or accurized guns.

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by Orion 1/7/2023, 10:38 am

I tested out 30-40 small primer 45 rounds at the range this week. All but 2 rounds cycled in my LBC properly. 

Load data: Berry's 185 SWC, range(3.9, 4.0, 4.1) WST, 1.185 OAL, light crimp, range brass and small Winchester primers.

I have no issues with this load using large pistol primers. 

Any thoughts why this might be?

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by SteveT 1/7/2023, 11:09 am

Orion wrote:Any thoughts why this might be?
Small primers will most likely have less priming material, so it may not ignite the powder as thoroughly resulting in a slower burn and less energy in the bullet, and less recoil energy.

It's also possible the flash holes are partially blocked or some other brass difference.

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Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark Empty Re: Small Primer vs Large Primer 45 ACP Benchmark

Post by Johnnie.Bair 1/7/2023, 6:05 pm

I have found using small pistol primers I need to slightly increase the powder charge to equal my large primer load.  My standard load using large pistol primers is 3.8 gr Clays and a 185 LSWC and with small pistol primers 4.1 gr Clays and a 185 LSWC. 



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