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Bob Marvel still around?

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Bob Marvel still around? Empty Bob Marvel still around?

Post by boisepaw 2/3/2023, 8:49 am

After several years away from this forum, I found y’all again.

Anyone know if Bob Marvel is still around?

I have a 1911 in 45ACP he made custom for me 20 years ago.  And a 38 Super 1911 I bought used soon after.  And two of the 22 conversions.  I love ‘em all!

I know someone else is selling the conversions now.  Are they the same quality?

If he’s still around I have some questions for him.



Posts : 37
Join date : 2023-02-02

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Bob Marvel still around? Empty Re: Bob Marvel still around?

Post by shanneba 2/3/2023, 9:25 am

He still teaches 1911 build classes-

Bob Marvel Gunsmith School - Nelson Custom GunsNelson Custom Guns


Posts : 352
Join date : 2021-10-16
Age : 68
Location : Indiana

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