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What crimp for 9 mm, XTPs and coated?

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What crimp for 9 mm, XTPs and coated? Empty What crimp for 9 mm, XTPs and coated?

Post by Buck13 2/4/2023, 9:03 pm

I have a Lee taper crimp die.  Planning to load some 9 mm cases with HAP125 and coated SWC125.  Any suggestions on crimp measurement?

To get the front band under the case mouth, the SWCs will need to be loaded quite a lot deeper than needed to plunk without binding, something like 0.015 or 0.02 shorter.


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Join date : 2018-05-23

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What crimp for 9 mm, XTPs and coated? Empty Re: What crimp for 9 mm, XTPs and coated?

Post by tovaert 2/5/2023, 9:48 am

A lot of folks just re-size about .100 down from the case mouth. 9mm is a tapered case.


Posts : 470
Join date : 2018-11-28

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