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What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye?

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What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye? Empty What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye?

Post by wizzer Wed Feb 22, 2023 2:10 pm

Recent comments about getting an EGW bushing for the S.A. RO pistols got me thinking. 

A call to EGW Tech confirms THEIR clearances:
barrel OD to straight bore bushing ID .002" (angle bore .0015")
Bushing OD to slide ID .002"
Bushing will turn in slide with finger pressure

Me--what if I want things tighter?
EGW--this is what we produce according to the numbers you send us.

Hmmmm, can I take this as EGW code for "fudge the dimensions and you might get what you want"?
Have any of you done this with EGW and how did it turn out? 

FWIW, my Ikey Starks build and Jim Clark Sr. build pistols have bushings that barely turn in the slide even with a metal wrench so they stay there not messed with. Also the barrel to bushing clearance is somewhere around .0005-.001"

PRACTICALLY SPEAKING, if the rest of the pistol is up to snuff:
Will the EGW numbers get us where we need to be for acceptable 50yd accuracy as far as the front end of the pistol is concerned? Or do we tighten things up?


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What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye? Empty Re: What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye?

Post by DA/SA Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:15 pm

I wasn't smart enough to ask what their clearances were when I ordered mine, (angle bore) but with my supplied dimensions the bushing to slide fit is tap in and turn with a wrench only, and barrel to bushing is .001" which I would have liked a bit tighter. Next time I'll fudge the numbers to get what I want.

On my other pistol I used a blank bushing and fit it the way I wanted it, which was tighter.

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What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye? Empty Re: What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye?

Post by Jon Eulette Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:16 pm

Tight is good. Too tight is bad. Barrel springing must be checked.
Also need to remember that barrel cams up into slide locking lugs. The barrel rotates at a fixed point through the barrel bushing. This snugs things up.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye? Empty Re: What are the real world 1911 pistol barrel/bushing/slide clearances needed for bullseye?

Post by mhayford45 Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:05 pm

I have a EGW bushing in my box of parts. Everything fit tight but not too tight after ordering to my measurement specs. Barrel spring present and groups were poor. Put in a old Kart bushing that was not as tight and groups we very good at 50 yards.


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