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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on? Empty S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

Post by Tim:H11 2/26/2023, 8:08 pm

I think I asked once but it’s been a while. Has anyone built a bullseye gun out of a Springfield Armory Garrison? Just curious if it’s a gun worth using as a base gun for some people looking to start somewhere since the Range Officer is gone and fetches a premium on auction sights. Thanks

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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on? Empty Re: S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

Post by shoot308 2/26/2023, 9:00 pm

I bought one new for my wife to start shooting. I shot it with irons before I put the Marvel on it for her. If you are going to run a red dot then I don't see much difference between the two. If you want it for irons that will be another problem.


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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on? Empty Re: S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

Post by mikemyers 2/26/2023, 9:04 pm


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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on? Empty Re: S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

Post by rich.tullo 2/27/2023, 12:13 pm

IMHO I would go with Mil Spec or one of those Turkish Milspecs with the forged frames.

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S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on? Empty Re: S.A. Garrison as a base gun to build on?

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