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Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor)

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Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor) Empty Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor)

Post by mikemyers 3/3/2023, 3:56 pm

Are there any after-market manufacturers who make grips/stocks for the High Standard X-Series (or Victor) guns with the "military" angle?
High Standard sells ambidextrous grips like this, but they're out of stock.

....or do any of you have a used set you'd like to sell?

Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor) Scree117

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Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor) Empty Re: Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor)

Post by John Dervis 3/3/2023, 4:53 pm


  I have a pair of those new grips I bought at Perry last year but I also have a different set I would sell.  That second set is a little more squared off at the back where it meets your hand.  I wouldn't say they are bad but they feel a little different than the originals (or Alan's new version) which have a thinner taper there.  I would take $75.00 for that second set if you want them.  I can send you a picture or two when I get home if you are interested.

Let me know.

John Dervis

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Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor) Empty Re: Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor)

Post by Richard Benoit 3/4/2023, 4:35 pm

Try Sarco , I just picked up a set made of hard rubber , ambidextrous. They're about $25. I haven't mounted them yet , but appear to be well made.

Richard Benoit

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Join date : 2018-10-27

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Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor) Empty Re: Grips for High Standard X-Series (and Victor)

Post by mikemyers 3/4/2023, 7:02 pm

Richard Benoit wrote:Try Sarco , I just picked up a set made of hard rubber , ambidextrous. They're about $25. I haven't mounted them yet , but appear to be well made.
Aha!  You must mean these:

I don't mind their being rubber, and I guess it would make sense to try them before buying the more expensive wood grips.
I'm going to wait about two seeks until I can get to the range, and see how well I like this gun now.
If I sell the gun, they would make a nice, inexpensive addition.
But if I'm going to keep the gun, not sell it, I'll buy the ones that Alan posted.

To be honest here, there is a part of me that just wants to shoot 1911 based guns, and my revolvers.
Can't win - too many other guns I also enjoy shooting.

Best not to do anything until I take the gun to my range.

Posts : 4236
Join date : 2016-07-26
Age : 80
Location : South Florida, and India

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