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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Rodger Barthlow
BE Mike
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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by mikemyers 8/1/2023, 11:00 pm

Does anyone make a chamber cleaning brush for 22 cal, similar to this one Wilson makes for 45 cal.?


From what I've read, a .25 cal brush is ideal for 22 hand guns, but I guess it shouldn't go into the barrel past the chamber.
Bending a .25 cal brush is what people seem to suggest.

95% of my 22 issues over the past several years were caused by a chamber that needed proper cleaning.

I prefer not to use a 22 brass brush at all on my 22 guns.  The barrel, after shooting CCI SV, usually stays clean and a patch takes care of any cleaning.

While I'm asking, I never shoot 357 magnum, always just 38 Special.
This means a ring of "dirt" forms between the end of the 38 Special round, and the end of the cylinder.
I just take a brass brush made for 38/357, and use that - but maybe there is a better way?

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by SonOfAGun 8/2/2023, 1:56 am

mikemyers wrote:Does anyone make a chamber cleaning brush for 22 cal...?

I make one for myself every so often. It's a (wait for it!) .25 cal brass brush, bent to the length of the chamber.

If you don't like brass, I suppose you could use a nylon brush.

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by shanneba 8/2/2023, 6:07 am

The Wilson chamber cleaning tool reminds me of an RCBS neck cleaning brush.
Lyman and others probably also have similar products.

They offer nylon brushes in small 22-25 cal., medium 27-30 cal., and large 35-45 cal.
Case Neck Brushes Replacement Brushes | RCBS

If your 22 doesn't have a rear sight extension that would interfere with the handle it might work well.


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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by BE Mike 8/2/2023, 9:04 am

I always thought a tool with the brush held at 90 degrees to a ratcheting tool would be ideal. Something like this: https://www.brownells.com/tools-cleaning/gun-cleaning/gun-cleaning-brushes/m14m1am1-ratchet-chamber-brush/
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Solved!

Post by mikemyers 8/2/2023, 9:05 am

shanneba wrote:The Wilson chamber cleaning tool reminds me of an RCBS neck cleaning brush.
Lyman and others probably also have similar products.

They offer nylon brushes in small 22-25 cal., medium 27-30 cal., and large 35-45 cal.
Case Neck Brushes Replacement Brushes | RCBS

If your 22 doesn't have a rear sight extension that would interfere with the handle it might work well.
Looks perfect.
Thank. you!!

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by BE Mike 8/2/2023, 9:10 am

Over a period of time, I've found that .22 pistol chambers get some very stubborn build-ups which requires some serious cleaning. I have my doubts that soft bristled brushes would do the job.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by DA/SA 8/2/2023, 9:24 am

BE Mike wrote:Over a period of time, I've found that .22 pistol chambers get some very stubborn build-ups which requires some serious cleaning. I have my doubts that soft bristled brushes would do the job.
That is my thought as well.

I soak the barrel over night in Hoppe's #9 and everything just wipes right out with a patch.

No scrubbing needed.

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by JHHolliday 8/2/2023, 9:56 am

Not sure if it is kosher to post from another site, but on Target talk Gwhite has a good discussion of this (he coaches a college shooting team):


I also use the bent brass .25 brushes for the chambers with wet then dry patches for the barrel, and the method works well.

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by Rodger Barthlow 8/2/2023, 3:14 pm

I had Larry tell me a 6MM rifle bore brush was what he used to clean the chambers on his .22 pistols. 
When I start to have failures to feed and extract or light hits I take a Q-tip soaked with Kroil and insert it into the chamber of my 208 letting it soak for 10-15 minutes, then I use the bent 6mm bore brush and run a patch through the bore. Kroil will penetrate and soften carbon and hardened bullet lube making it easy to remove.
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by mikemyers 8/2/2023, 7:32 pm

Rodger Barthlow wrote:.......When I start to have failures to feed and extract or light hits I take a Q-tip soaked with Kroil and insert it into the chamber of my 208 letting it soak for 10-15 minutes, then I use the bent 6mm bore brush and run a patch through the bore. Kroil will penetrate and soften carbon and hardened bullet lube making it easy to remove.
Maybe this I why my cleanings didn't work as expected.  Thanks.
I suppose it will work on the chambers of a 357 revolver after shooting a lot of 38 Special ammo.
Magnum ammo isn't allowed at my range anyway.

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty I found this over on RimFire Central

Post by NuJudge 8/14/2023, 5:23 pm



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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by Gun K1n6 8/27/2023, 8:25 pm

Bore-Tec C4 carbon remover.

Gun K1n6

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by Jim Watson 8/29/2023, 6:32 pm

Rodger Barthlow wrote:I had Larry tell me a 6MM rifle bore brush was what he used to clean the chambers on his .22 pistols. 
When I start to have failures to feed and extract or light hits I take a Q-tip soaked with Kroil and insert it into the chamber of my 208 letting it soak for 10-15 minutes, then I use the bent 6mm bore brush and run a patch through the bore. Kroil will penetrate and soften carbon and hardened bullet lube making it easy to remove.

Bore-Tec C4 carbon remover.

I have gone 'round and 'round with a Nelson. My application is a little different. I shoot it at an IDPA match that allows .22s, a leftover from the Covid "Supply Chain" era when ammo and components were scarce. So I have to Unload and Show Clear after a variable number of shots, not shoot a fixed string and end up at slide lock. Further, I am shooting Mini Mags for knockdown targets and to be sure to register on the shot timer. Extraction of that last round was poor, even though they were all blowing out of there when fired.

Larry told me last week to soak in C4 and brush. I have a 6mm brush for the purpose.
While waiting on the C4, I let it stand wet with M-Pro 7 before brushing. It cleaned up pretty well, I was able to extract 11 out of 13; the other two came out when I racked the slide a second time.

Jim Watson

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Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal Empty Re: Chamber Cleaning Tool for 22 cal

Post by Ciaran 9/12/2023, 4:37 pm

Hi Mikemyers,
For cleaning 686 revolver cylinders from swc lead I just use the Lyman wood handle you get with the primer pocket reamer set and a .338 rifle bronze phosphor brush with the correct threads. I use a knackered 38 or 338 brush wrapped in Birchwood lead remover cloth to finish off.
Comes up like new but it does require elbow grease to get it pristine.
I split a shot peice of brass and use it for a scraper around the frame meets barrel bit build ups.


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