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Die Damage, new dies

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Die Damage, new dies

Post by Eindecker 8/6/2023, 7:02 pm

LEE 44 magnum,  full length sizing die.  Ran 60 pieces of brand new starline through it. Afterwords noticed that each case has a scratch around the whole case, same spot on each one. Not found on un sized brass. 

My question is, is it worth trying to sand it out with sand paper and emory cloth, or just bite the bullet and get myself a new set from another company


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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by fc60 8/6/2023, 7:41 pm


You have experienced "Galling".

The new brass is chemically clean and has welded little bits to the Carbide ring of the sizing die.

The brass that is stuck/welded to the Carbide ring can likely be removed with some fine steel wool and oil.



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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by Eindecker 8/6/2023, 10:43 pm

care to share why its in a p erfect ring around one spot in the die..

or why it never happened to my other dies..


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Join date : 2022-10-08

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by Wobbley 8/6/2023, 10:51 pm

The whole carbide ring has been affected.  Sanding won’t help.  Send it to Lee with a sample case.  They’ll either polish it out or replace the die.

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by Jack H 8/7/2023, 4:53 am

I had the carbide ring in a factory crimp die crack like you slice a bagel.  Lee replaced the die
Jack H
Jack H

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by rbwillnj 8/7/2023, 7:50 am

New Starline brass can be very difficult to size.  I always use Hornady OneShot case lube on new Starline brass.  Subsequent sizings generally don't require it.

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

Post by SingleActionAndrew 8/7/2023, 9:29 am

Pictures would help

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Die Damage, new dies Empty Re: Die Damage, new dies

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