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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click? Empty Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

Post by croesler 8/16/2023, 9:01 am

Understanding each brand of rear iron sight will have some variation to it, what would be the approximate # of clicks to move one ring on the 
1) 50ft, 
2) 25 yd and 
3) 50 yd 
standard bullseye targets?  

I know for air pistol its generally manufacturer specific, and usually 3-4 clicks per ring.  My manuals state different amounts per gun, some 1mm per click, others 1.2mm per click or 1.5mm per click.  

For Bullseye guns (specifically Nelson, Marvel Pardini, Feinwerkbau 93, and BoMar or Springfield Armory for 1911) any advice on mm per click, or "clicks to move one ring" would be appreciated, including rules of thumb.

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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click? Empty Re: Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

Post by james r chapman 8/16/2023, 11:11 am

Sight adjustment

Ring dimensions
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Age : 76
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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click? Empty Re: Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

Post by rsp 8/16/2023, 4:00 pm

If you want to be sure, you can clamp your gun in a vise and use a dial indicator to measure how much the rear sight moves per click. Do a big adjustment like 10 clicks and divide, rather than trying to measure a single click. Then do the math.

Most guns are set up with about .002" of sight blade movement per click. With a 6.75" sight radius, works out to about 1/2" at 50 yards. 1 MOA. There are little variations. On my Bo-Mar sighted 1911 the horizontal clicks measured finer than the vertical ones. Euro guns might be weird. A short sight radius like on a 4" revolver will make the adjustments coarse.

This is a chart that shows a grid on the 50-yard target for my Bo-Mar 1911 with the grid lines at TWO CLICK intervals.


Here is one at FOUR CLICK intervals. Personally this is more in line with my actual ability to call shots, and I can only adjust my sights as well as I can call. A 1-click adjustment would only be a placebo for me and even a 2-click adjustment, I'd have to be shooting real well to see a benefit from.



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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click? Empty Re: Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

Post by james r chapman 8/16/2023, 4:45 pm

I seem to remember Zins saying go past and come back.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Age : 76
Location : HELL, Michigan

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Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click? Empty Re: Rear Sight Adjustment Per Ring or Per Click?

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