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Shoes for odd 1911 triggers

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Shoes for odd 1911 triggers Empty Shoes for odd 1911 triggers

Post by Froneck 9/6/2023, 10:30 pm

There are quite a few fancy 1911 triggers, Kimber 1911s have them. Many after market too, the shoe will not attach since there is more open space than Aluminum for set screw to seat.
 I have made shoes for quite a few and can make a show to fit most.
 The photo is of one I just made for a trigger that has 3 large square holes. The thickness between the finger surface and the side of the square hole in .085". Only 2 screws were needed but the buyer wanted one in the center too.Tightening the screws clamps the shoe on the trigger. I made another that fits a shoe with 2 square holes that only has 2 button head screws. Wall thickness was .065".
 Note; I should have mentioned button head screws go thru the holes and screw into the opposite side but don't go thru as seen on the photo of the shooting hand side.
 If you have such a trigger and want a shoe let me know. E-mail FSCO@pa.net
Shoes for odd 1911 triggers Cimg2224
Shoes for odd 1911 triggers Cimg2225

Last edited by Froneck on 9/6/2023, 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added info)


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Shoes for odd 1911 triggers Empty Re: Shoes for odd 1911 triggers

Post by Rodger Barthlow 9/8/2023, 12:00 am

I sent you a PM
Rodger Barthlow
Rodger Barthlow

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Join date : 2013-08-11

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