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Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E

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Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E Empty Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E

Post by hammerli 9/10/2023, 5:39 am

I have been looking online at the Anshcutz Sensive fully adjustable trigger which can be fitted to a Morini 162 air pistol.
Has anyone used one of these? If so what was your experience like?

Would the more experienced shooters let us know if the standard trigger which pulls straight to the rear is better than an angled trigger blade?

Thank you


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Join date : 2020-05-16

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Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E Empty Morini trigger

Post by kohlerpartsgod 9/13/2023, 1:32 pm

Try posting on targettalk forum. There are AP shooters from all over the world there.


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Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E Empty Re: Adjustable trigger Anschutz Sensive on Morini 162 E

Post by lyoke 9/13/2023, 2:18 pm

I used one for a bit. It had quite a bit of adjustability. I am not sure if they changed the materials from a few years back, but after trying some different positions with it, the screws did not bite as well. You had to really make sure it was tightened or it would come loose. 

I really liked the ability to tilt the head on the shoe so I could like up my finger at the proper angle. I do think the shoe stuck out a little farther on the blade than I would have liked but that's personal preference. 

I eventually went back to blade that was closer to the factory one.


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