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Off hand / arm

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Off hand / arm Empty Off hand / arm

Post by sbtzc 11/19/2023, 4:53 pm

I have a picture of John Zurich shooting with his off arm held rigidity against the left side of his body. His hand is deep in his front pocket in what looks like a fist. He is obviously exerting tension on the non-shooting shoulder, arm, and forearm.

What would be to advantage of such an arrangement?

I try to keep everything to a minimum tension except my shooting forearm, elbow and shoulder.

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Off hand / arm Empty Re: Off hand / arm

Post by SteveT 11/19/2023, 5:11 pm

Tension is good up to the point that it causes tremors or shakes or if you can't maintain consistent tension across a match.

IIRC John shoots pretty open almost 90 degrees to the target so most of the recoil would be "sideways" across the body and pushing the left arm down into the pocket would resist recoil movement.

I reach across and hook my left thumb in my belt and the forefinger is in the right side pocket with a little tension across my stomach. The effect is small but I believe it reduces oscillation from my core.

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Off hand / arm Empty Re: Off hand / arm

Post by Sc0 11/19/2023, 9:48 pm

Also shoot with my arm slung across with my thumb in my belt, but... Wear a long sleeve shirt in case the competitor next to you just so happens to have a pistol that ejects it's brass, under your screen, straight into your now formed cradle. An awkward and rare issue to run into and, has never happened in 9 years.


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Off hand / arm Empty Re: Off hand / arm

Post by Merick 11/19/2023, 11:25 pm

If you are out of alibis you have zero chance of clearing a jam starting with one hand in your pants pocket.


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Off hand / arm Empty Re: Off hand / arm

Post by SteveT 11/20/2023, 7:21 am

Merick wrote:If you are out of alibis you have zero chance of clearing a jam starting with one hand in your pants pocket.
Maybe, but I'd rather optimize my position and process for the 99% of the time I don't have an alibi.

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Off hand / arm Empty Re: Off hand / arm

Post by chiz1180 11/20/2023, 8:33 am

SteveT wrote:
Merick wrote:If you are out of alibis you have zero chance of clearing a jam starting with one hand in your pants pocket.
Maybe, but I'd rather optimize my position and process for the 99% of the time I don't have an alibi.
+1 Double alibis indicates equipment problems or poor ammo choice. Both should be 100%  before a match.

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