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Sub 6 hold question

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Sub 6 hold question Empty Sub 6 hold question

Post by Rush223 Sat Dec 02, 2023 3:21 pm

A recent post prompted me to ask this question about sub 6 hold. 

I’m 70 and have trouble getting a good sight picture with Center Of Mass sight picture. If I switch to sub 6 hold should I use the same hold for 25 yards as well as 50 yards. My COM sight picture at 25 yards seems better than at 50 yards. 



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Sub 6 hold question Empty Re: Sub 6 hold question

Post by AlEg Sat Dec 02, 2023 3:50 pm

No, if the pistol has been sighted at 50 yd, then the vertical drop at 25 yd will be half of that at 50 yd.


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Sub 6 hold question Empty Re: Sub 6 hold question

Post by chiz1180 Sat Dec 02, 2023 3:53 pm

If you are going to shoot center mass, shoot center mass at both short and long line. Same theory if you are going to shoot sub six. Adjust the sights between the short and long line as necessary. Remember if you are shooting irons, be sure you are focusing on the front sight and not bouncing back and forth between the front sight and the target.

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Sub 6 hold question Empty Re: Sub 6 hold question

Post by Tim:H11 Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:11 pm

On one hand it makes a lot of sense to shoot using the same sight picture at 25 yards that you would at 50 yards… consistency in what you do and all that.. but honestly if you can see better, and you can perform better using one kind of sight picture for slow fire and a different sight picture for sustained fire then I say send it. So long as you’re training all this stuff and it’s working for you and you’re able to learn and progress as a shooter. If it works but not reliably or you plateau then you need to investigate why that is and adjust. There is no hard core right and wrong. Only that we maintain our sight picture until the bullet is out the end of the barrel.

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