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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by boisepaw 12/13/2023, 10:21 am

Anyone have any experience with a Springfield 38 Super?  

I don't know if they made multiple versions.  The only one I can find info on is a mil-spec version that doesn't seem to be currently available.  A local guy has one that I might be interested in.

Wondering how they shoot out of the box and if anyone has brought one up to bullseye level of accuracy...what does it take to do that?


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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by PhotoEscape 12/13/2023, 10:37 am

TMBK Springfield doesn't produce guns in 38 Super as their retail offering.  I had 9mm Springfield Range Officer re-barreled into 38 Super by Custom Shop alone with accurizing it.  Needless to say it is quite accurate.  However, I have not tried it beyond 25Y.  Hence can't say if it is suitable for Long Line. 


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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by Sc0 12/13/2023, 9:50 pm

Original 9mm SARO .38 Super conversion performed by Mr Eulette using a Kart barrel and EGW bushing. Pistol can hold the 10 and possibly X ring at 50. Would definitely get in touch with him as he has done more than a few conversions.

I can say in it's factory 9mm form, i wouldn't use the word accurate to describe it.


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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by Kp321 12/13/2023, 11:36 pm

Not a factory gun but I installed a SIG 38 Super barrel (CDNN purchase) in my  Range Officer. As near a “drop in” fit as I have experienced in a 1911. Accuracy is markedly better than with the original 9mm barrel. I have since done the same conversion for three other shooters with the same outcome.


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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by NukeMMC 12/14/2023, 6:02 am

9mm Range Officer converted by Jon Eulette here also.  Mine is an EIC pistol.  This one sports a KKM barrel and MIM parts replaced with EGW.  I have run 115gr HAP, 125gr, 150gr and 148gr cast.  All shoot quite well.
I use Starline supercomp (rimless) brass and have had no feeding issues, even with wadcutters.
Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? 20230629
Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? 20230630

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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by hammerli 12/15/2023, 12:24 pm

Looking at this thread, would it be possible to convert a CZ 9mm into .38 super? then one could shoot reduced loads for ISSF Centre Fire?
Really looking for a magazine in butt Centre Fire pistol.


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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by james r chapman 12/15/2023, 2:51 pm

Yes, find a Sig .38 super barrel and bushing. Fit it to your frame. Use .38 super-comp brass from starline and your good to go.
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james r chapman

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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

Post by james r chapman 12/15/2023, 2:53 pm

Oops, that was meant for 1911 9’s
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james r chapman

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Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion? Empty Re: Springfield 38 Super...anyone owning one with an opinion?

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